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Showing entries 4601-4700 out of 18547.
Framework for Exact Real Arithmetic in the Positional Number System
Example Haskell Project
Safely deal with exceptions in ExceptT
exception-hierarchyexception-hierarchyNix package
Exception type hierarchy with TemplateHaskell
exception-hierarchyexception-hierarchy_0_1_0_12Nix package
Exception type hierarchy with TemplateHaskell
Catch all runtime exceptions and send an email
Exception monad transformer instances for monads-fd classes
Exception monad transformer instances for monads-tf classes
Exception monad transformer instances for mtl classes
Type classes and monads for unchecked extensible exceptions
DerivingVia for your hierarchical exceptions
Essentially the Maybe type with error messages
An exception-free readFile for use with '+RTS -xc -RTS' projects
Extensible optionally-pure exceptions
ExceptT, but uses IO instead of Either
A Haskell client for
execsNix package
Tool to run stack exec prj-exe more easy
Provides the SHA1 hash of the program executable
Finding out the full path of the executable
Shell helpers
Tool to search/generate (haskell) expressions with a given type
exhNix package
A library for crawling exhentai
Compile time checks that a computation considers producing data through all possible constructors
Exheres generator for cabal packages
exifNix package
A Haskell binding to a subset of libexif
Haskell bindings to ExifTool
Database schema for exigo marking/assessment tools
Dependent pairs and their instances
@exinst@ support for @aeson@ package
@exinst@ support for @base@ package
@exinst@ support for @bytes@ package
@exinst@ support for @cereal@ package
Derive instances for the deepseq library for your existential types
Derive instances for the hashable library for your existential types
Dependent pairs and their instances
existNix package
Dependent sum type
Instances for "exist" package (requires more language extensions and dependencies)
Existential types with lens-like accessors
Existential datatypes holding evidence of constraints
Exit codes as defined by BSD
Monad transformer for exit codes
Compression and decompression in the exomizer format
exonexonNix package
Customizable quasiquote interpolation
exonexon_1_7_1_0Nix package
Customizable quasiquote interpolation
Non-standard monads on lists and non-empty lists
Please see the README on Github at
Floating point with extended exponent range
exp-pairsexp-pairsNix package
Linear programming over exponent pairs
exp-pairsexp-pairs_0_2_1_1Nix package
Linear programming over exponent pairs
Extensible Pandoc
Enumerator-based API for Expat
Perform scientific experiments stored in a DB, and generate reports
General purpose simple caching
Expiring containers
Create values which expire after a period of time
Show how expressions are parsed
Predicates that can explain themselves
Fully-flexible polymorphic lenses, without any bizarre profunctors
Explicit computation of determinant of small matrices
Exceptions which are explicit in the type signature
File handles with explicit IOModes
Extends explicit-iomodes with ByteString operations
Extends explicit-iomodes with Text operations
Explicit Sharing of Monadic Effects
Experimental Plot data Reconstructor
A generic exploring interpreter for exploratory programming
A distribution of the 'containers' package, with all modules exposed
Dynamically-typed expressions involving function application and variables
Generalization of parsec's expression parser
Expressions and Formulae a la carte
Encode and Decode expressions from Z3 ASTs
A simple expressions language based on row types
Libraries for processing GHC Core
Automated printing for extemp speakers
TH to define a new record data type that extends the existing record data type
Extended Categories
Heap and Vector container types
Lens instances for extended-containers
extended-realsextended-realsNix package
Extension of real numbers with positive/negative infinities
extended-realsextended-reals_0_2_5_0Nix package
Extension of real numbers with positive/negative infinities
extensibleextensibleNix package
Extensible, efficient, optics-friendly data types and effects
extensibleextensible_0_9_2Nix package
Extensible, efficient, optics-friendly data types and effects
Sums/products/lists/trees which can be extended in other modules
An Alternative to Monad Transformers
Message passing concurrency as extensible-effect
Extensible exceptions
Operational-based extensible effect library
Light-weight, extensible sums and products over types and kinds
Inspect extensions in cabal and hpack files
extensionsextensionsNix package
Parse Haskell Language Extensions
extensionsextensions_0_1_0_2Nix package
Parse Haskell Language Extensions
extensionsextensions_0_1_0_3Nix package
Parse Haskell Language Extensions
Sort large arrays on your hard drive
Extism bindings
Extism manifest bindings
Extism Plugin Development Kit
ExtraNix package
A grab bag of modules
extraextraNix package
Extra functions I use
extraextra_1_8Nix package
Extra functions I use
Additional data types