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Showing entries 5401-5500 out of 18345.
Deriving instances with GHC.Generics and related utilities
Structural assertions on generic data representations
Familiar functions lifted to generic data types
Surgery for generic data types
Generic deep evaluation of data structures
Generic programming library for generalised deriving
An Enum class that fixes some deficiences with Prelude's Enum
Generically derived enumerations
Generic Environment Generator
Deriving generalized functors with GHC.Generics
Generically extract and replace collections of record fields
Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms
Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms
Monomorphic field lens like with generic-lens
Derive Bounded and Enum for sum types and Enum for product types
General-purpose web page scaffold for Lucid
First class pattern matching
A generic version of Data
Derive monoid instances for product types
Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms
Monomorphic field opics like with generic-lens
Provides functionality for overriding instances for generic derivation
Provides orphan instances necessary for integrating generic-override and aeson
Database persistence using generics
Pretty printing for Generic value
GenericPretty canonical instances
Generic random generators for QuickCheck
Magic record operations using generics
Simple generic TCP/IP server
Generic implementation of Storable
Generic Tree data type
A map, where the keys may be complex structured data
Structural assertions on generic type representations
Familiar functions lifted to type-level functions on generic types
Marshalling Haskell values to/from XML
Generic generation of HXT XmlPickler instances using GHC Generics
Generically newtype to use with DerivingVia
A generic, derivable, haskell pretty printer
A library for generic programming that aims to be easy to understand
Generic Programming with Mutually Recursive Sums of Products
Reimplementation of the gdiff algorithm for generics-mrsop
generics-sopgenerics-sopNix package
Generic Programming using True Sums of Products
generics-sopgenerics-sop_0_5_1_4Nix package
Generic Programming using True Sums of Products
generics-sop-lensgenerics-sop-lensNix package
Lenses for types in generics-sop
generics-sop-lensgenerics-sop-lens_0_2_1Nix package
Lenses for types in generics-sop
Serialization library using Data
Opinionated bootstrapping for Haskell web services
Opinionated bootstrapping for Haskell web services
A Genetic Algorithm library
GenINix package
A natural language generator (specifically, an FB-LTAG surface realiser)
GenI graphical user interface
Companion tools for use with the GenI surface realiser
Conversion utility for the GenI generator
Generate generalized fmap, foldMap and traverse
Use Template Haskell to generate Uniplate-like functions
Use Template Haskell to generate Uniplate-like functions
Simple HTTP server for GenI results
Genetic programming library
Automatic SMS message generator
Gentle markup language
MCFGs for Genus-1 RNA Pseudoknots
Testing utilities for the validity library
GenValidity support for aeson
Generators for ppend-only cooperative agreement
GenValidity support for ByteString
GenValidity support for case-insensitive
GenValidity support for containers
Criterion benchmarks for generators
Generators for typed directory forests
GenValidity support for dlist
Standard spec's for GenValidity instances
Standard spec's for aeson-related instances
Standard spec's for binary-related Instances
Standard spec's for cereal-related instances
Standard spec's for Hashable instances
Standard spec's for lens
Standard spec's for persistent-related instances
Please see the README on GitHub at
Please see the README on GitHub at
GenValidity support for URI
GenValidity support for Path
GenValidity support for Persistent
Standard properties for functions on Validity types
GenValidity support for Scientific
Standard properties for functions on Validity types for the sydtest framework
Standard spec's for aeson-related instances in sydtest
Standard spec's for Hashable instances for sydtest
Standard spec's for lens for sydtest
Standard spec's for persistent-related instances for sydtest
GenValidity support for Text
GenValidity support for time
Generators for Phantom-Typed version of UUID
GenValidity support for unordered-containers
GenValidity support for UUID
GenValidity support for vector
Performs geo location lookups and parses the results
High precision conversion between GPS and UK Grid
Libary for calculating distances between two coordinates in WSG84
Geocoding using the Google Web API