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Showing entries 5101-5200 out of 18345.
IEEE754r floating point conformance tests
Installed package query tool for Gentoo Linux
Draw Newton, Julia and Mandelbrot fractals
Generates colorful wallpapers
Fractal renderer
A collection of useful fractal curve encoders
Numbers in the range [0.005, 1] as a sum of 2, 3, 4 or 5 unit fractions of special types
fragNix package
A 3-D First Person Shooter Game
frameNix package
A simple web framework
A markdown to Frame GUI writer for Pandoc
Data frames for working with tabular data files
A library for accessing Postgres tables as in-memory data structures
Alternative CSV parser for the Frames package
Frames wrapper for map-reduce-folds and some extra folds helpers
A streamly layer for Frames I/O
A package for configuring and building Haskell software
FrankNix package
An experimental programming language with typed algebraic effects
franzNix package
Append-only database
fraxlNix package
Cached and parallel data fetching
CLI frecency history
Haskell application toolkit used at Freckle
Some extension to the envparse library
Some extensions to the annotated-exception library
Please see
Some extensions to the hw-kafka-client library
Please see
Please see
Standard prelude for Freckle applications
freeNix package
Monads for free
Free monads based on intuitions from the Data types à la Carte
Free algebras
Free Applicative Transformer
Free categories
Efficient data types for free categories and arrows
Free monads suitable for concurrent computation
An extensible effects library
Efficient Type-Safe Capture-Avoiding Substitution for Free (Scoped Monads)
Free functors, adjoint to functors that forget class constraints
Create games for free
An HTTP Client based on Free Monads
Lawful list and set monad transformers based on free monads
Operational Applicative, Alternative, Monad and MonadPlus from free types
Automatic generation of free theorems
Automatically Generating Counterexamples to Naive Free Theorems
Taming Selective Strictness
Taming Selective Strictness
CGI-based web interface for the free-theorems package
Instantiate the classes from the vector-space package with types from linear
Van Laarhoven encoded Free Monad with Extensible Effects
A soccer game
A generalisation of the Category->Functor->Applicative->Monad hierarchy and more
Interface to the Kinect device
freerNix package
Implementation of the Freer Monad
Handle effects conversely using monadic conversation
Implementation of effect system for Haskell
Freer indexed monad for type-level resource-aware effectual operations
Freer par monad
A friendly effect system for Haskell
Checked runtime exceptions with freer-simple
Make HTTP requests with freer-simple!
Automatic profling of freer-simple programs
Random number generators using freer-simple
Freer-simple interface to IO based time functions
A Haskell syntax extension for generalised sections
Access the Freesound Project database
Single line text rendering for OpenGL ES
Haskell bindings for FreeType 2 library
Loadable texture fonts for OpenGL
A functional DSL for vertex-centric large-scale graph processing
French Playing Cards
freqNix package
Are you ready to get freaky?
Fresco binding for Haskell
freshNix package
Introduce fresh variables into Haskell source code
High-powered optics in a small package
Fresnel/fused-effects integration
A functional image processing library for Haskell
Uses the DevIL C library to read and write images from and to files and memory buffers
Converts between the Friday and JuicyPixels image types
Scale Friday images with DCT
Attempt to pretty-print any input
Print time information in friendly ways
Linear time composable parser for PEG grammars
Provides a generic way to construct values from environment variables
Combinators for working with Maybe and Either
Simple adapter for transformation of HTML to other formats
frontNix package
A reactive frontend web framework
Parses frontmatter as used in Jekyll markdown files
Advanced rotation of backups and other things
frownNix package
LALR(k) parser generator
Arduino programming without the hassle of C
Principled practical FRP
Program awesome stuff with Gloss and frpnow!
Program GUIs with GTK and frpnow!
Program GUIs with GTK3 and frpnow!
Program terminal applications with vty and frpnow!
Lexical extension for Quasi-Quotations using French-Quotes