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Showing entries 7101-7200 out of 18547.
Manipulate data in PostgreSQL "hstore" columns
Manipulate data in PostgreSQL "hstore" columns
Bracketed connection for HDBC
Sqlite v3 driver for HDBC
Type save tuples for HDBC
hdbiNix package
Haskell Database Independent interface
Conduit glue for HDBI
PostgreSQL driver for hdbi
SQlite driver for HDBI
Test suite for testing HDBI
Persistent GHC powered background server for FAST haskell development tools
hdfNix package
HDF: Uniform Rate Audio Signal Processing in Haskell
hdf5Nix package
Haskell interface to the HDF5 scientific data storage library
High-level bindings to the HDF5 "lite" interface
hDFANix package
A simple library for representing and minimising DFAs
hdiffNix package
Pattern-Expression-based differencing of arbitrary types
Server-side HTTP Digest (RFC2617) in the CGI monad
An IDL compiler for Haskell
Interface to the udis86 disassembler for x86 and x86-64 / AMD64
Haskell bindings to the Discount markdown library
hdmNix package
A small display manager
A small wrapper around dmenu
hdoNix package
A Digital Ocean client in Haskell
hdocsNix package
Haskell docs tool
hdphNix package
Haskell distributed parallel Haskell
Explicit closures in Haskell distributed parallel Haskell
Haskell implementation of High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histograms
Utilities for reading, manipulating, and writing HDR images
More informative parser
Creates a header for a haskell source file
License Header Manager
heapNix package
Heaps in Haskell
Interactively inspect Haskell values at runtime
heapsheapsNix package
Asymptotically optimal Brodal/Okasaki heaps
heapsheaps_0_4_1Nix package
Asymptotically optimal Brodal/Okasaki heaps
Determine the size of runtime data structures
Heapsort of MArrays as a demo of imperative programming
An opinionated app prelude and framework in the UnliftIO style
An opinionated library prelude in the UnliftIO style
Heartbeats for io-streams
Find and annotate ITDs
Find and annotate ITDs with assembly or read pair joining
Compression and decompression using heatshrink
Simle api for heavy logger
Full-weight logging based on fast-logger
Heavy-logger compatibility with amazonka-core logging
Orphan instances for data types in heavy-logger package
Hebrew dates and prayer times
heccNix package
Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Haskell
Oh heck, it's a heckin' case conversion library
Jekyll in Haskell (feat
Reddit API bindings
hedgehoghedgehogNix package
Release with confidence
hedgehoghedgehog_1_5Nix package
Release with confidence
Hedgehog-checkers wraps up the expected properties associated with various standard type classes a…
Hedgehog-checkers-lens provides the various lens, prism, setter, and traversal laws as ready-to-us…
Hedgehog will eat your typeclass bugs
Supplemental library for hedgehog
Use 'fakedata' with 'hedgehog'
Function generation for hedgehog
Customizable Gen for ADT using Generics
JSON generators for Hedgehog
GHC Generics automatically derived hedgehog generators
Golden testing capabilities for hedgehog using Aeson
Hedgehog properties for lens laws
Hedgehog properties for optics laws
Use QuickCheck generators in Hedgehog and vice versa
Hedgehog property testing for Servant APIs
HediNix package
Line oriented editor
hedisNix package
Client library for the Redis datastore: supports full command set, pipelining
Easy trivial configuration for Redis
Adaptation of the hedis library for the effectful ecosystem
Provides FromEnv instance for ConnectInfo of hedis
A la MonadReader for Redis connection
Initial project template from stack
Caching mandatory data with Redis
A simplified API for hedis
Tags for hedis
hednNix package
EDN parsing and encoding
Base functor for EDN AST
hedraNix package
A small library and executable for generating dice rolls
Higher-order algebraic effects done right
Higher-order algebraic effects done right
heggNix package
Fast equality saturation in Haskell
heidiNix package
Tidy data in Haskell
heinNix package
An extensible build helper for haskell, in the vein of leiningen
heistNix package
An Haskell template system supporting both HTML5 and XML
Use JSON directly from Heist templates
Adding support for asynchronous updates ("AJAX") with heist
An Haskell template system supporting both HTML5 and XML
Extra heist functionality
helfNix package
Typechecking terms of the Edinburgh Logical Framework (LF)
helicNix package
Clipboard Manager
New Relic® agent SDK wrapper for Haskell
New Relic® agent SDK wrapper for wai
An incomplete Elisp compiler
The Helium Compiler
A backwards-compatible, modern replacement for the Prelude
helixNix package
Web development micro framework for haskell with typesafe URLs