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Showing entries 6901-7000 out of 18547.
A concurrent bittorrent client
Haskell Tutorials by Evgeny Ukhanov
Elm to Haskell translation
CP in Haskell through MiniZinc
Compiler from I- to S-Expressions for the Scheme Programming Language
A transactional, ACID compliant, embeddable key-value store
B+-tree implementation in Haskell
A monad transformer supporting Haskey transactions
Haskell game library
Haskell bindings to refheap
The core logical system of HaskHOL, an EDSL for HOL theorem proving
Haskell Evaluation inside of LaTeX code
Embedded DSL for defining epidemiologic cohorts
A haskell wrapper for (
Implementation of the Bitcoin protocol
An adapter for haskoin to network-bitcoin
haskoin-corehaskoin-coreNix package
Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash library for Haskell
haskoin-corehaskoin-core_1_1_0Nix package
Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash library for Haskell
Implementation of Bitcoin cryptographic primitives
haskoin-nodehaskoin-nodeNix package
P2P library for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash
haskoin-nodehaskoin-node_1_1_3Nix package
P2P library for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash
Implementation of the Bitcoin network protocol messages
Implementation of Bitcoin script parsing and evaluation
Storage and index for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash
haskoin-store-datahaskoin-store-dataNix package
Data for Haskoin Store
haskoin-store-datahaskoin-store-data_1_4_0Nix package
Data for Haskoin Store
Utility functions for the Network
Implementation of a Bitcoin SPV Wallet with BIP32 and multisig support
Web Application Abstraction
Integrating HttpSpec with Haskoon
Integrating HttpSpec with Haskoon
The Haskore Computer Music System
Routines for realtime playback of Haskore songs
Haskore back-end for SuperCollider
Music rendering coded in Haskell
The February 2000 version of Haskore
HaskRel, Haskell as a DBMS with support for the relational algebra
Simple unsupervised segmentation model
Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
Haskell bindings to libtorch, supporting both typed and untyped tensors
Code generation tools for Hasktorch
Testing library for Hasktorch's FFI bindings
Bindings to Torch
Bindings to Cutorch
Core Hasktorch abstractions wrapping FFI bindings
Backpack signatures for Tensor operations
Functions to partially satisfy tensor signatures
Signatures for support tensors in hasktorch
Core types for Hasktorch backpack signatures
C-types for Torch
C-types for Cutorch
Neural architectures in hasktorch
Haskus binary format manipulation
Haskus system build tool
Haskus utility modules
Compatibility modules with other external packages (ByteString, etc.)
Haskus data utility modules
Haskus types utility modules
Variant and EADT
Haskus web
HTTP server
hasloNix package
Loan calculator engine
Loan calculator Gtk GUI
CSS Minifier
A monad for interfacing with external SMT solvers
A library providing definitions to work with monetary values
This package enables to write SPARQL queries to remote endpoints
Haskell bindings to aspell
hasqlhasqlNix package
An efficient PostgreSQL driver with a flexible mapping API
hasqlhasql_1_8_1_4Nix package
Fast PostgreSQL driver with a flexible mapping API
API for backends of "hasql"
Encodable and Decodable classes for hasql
A declarative abstraction over PostgreSQL Cursor
An abstraction for simultaneous fetching from multiple PostgreSQL cursors
hasql-dynamic-statementshasql-dynamic-statementsNix package
Toolkit for constructing Hasql statements dynamically
hasql-dynamic-statementshasql-dynamic-statements_0_3_1_7Nix package
Toolkit for constructing Hasql statements dynamically
Effectful bindings for hasql
Hasql queries testing interface
Generic encoder and decoder deriving for Hasql
hasql-implicitshasql-implicitsNix package
Implicit definitions for Hasql, such as default codecs for standard types
hasql-implicitshasql-implicits_0_2Nix package
Implicit definitions for Hasql, such as default codecs for standard types
hasql-interpolatehasql-interpolateNix package
QuasiQuoter that supports expression interpolation for hasql
hasql-interpolatehasql-interpolate_1_0_1_0Nix package
QuasiQuoter that supports expression interpolation for hasql
LISTEN/NOTIFY with hasql
PostgreSQL Schema Migrations
Hasql migrations library
hasql-notificationshasql-notificationsNix package
LISTEN/NOTIFY support for Hasql
hasql-notificationshasql-notifications_0_2_3_1Nix package
LISTEN/NOTIFY support for Hasql
hasql-optparse-applicativehasql-optparse-applicativeNix package
"optparse-applicative" parsers for "hasql"
hasql-optparse-applicativehasql-optparse-applicative_0_8_0_1Nix package
"optparse-applicative" parsers for "hasql"
A pipe to stream a postgres database cursor in the hasql ecosystem
hasql-poolhasql-poolNix package
Pool of connections for Hasql
hasql-poolhasql-pool_1_2_0_3Nix package
Pool of connections for Hasql
A "PostgreSQL" backend for the "hasql" library
An "optparse-applicative" parser for "hasql-postgres"
A PostgreSQL backed queue
A pool of connections for Hasql based on resource-pool
A somewhat opinionated "simpler" API to hasql
Stream Hasql queries with Conduit
Stream Hasql queries