Showing entries 201-300 out of 331.
Package your Node.js project into an executable
Node.js production process manager with a built-in load balancer
Fast, disk space efficient package manager for JavaScript
A T-SQL formatting utility in JS, transpiled from the C# library of the same name
Tool for transforming styles with JS plugins
CLI for PostCSS
A command line tool to easily install prebuilt binaries for multiple version of node/iojs on a spe…
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter
Makes prettier fast
An opinionated toml formatter plugin for Prettier
Next-generation ORM for Node.js and TypeScript
A lightweight editor experience for PureScript development
A build system for PureScript projects
Language Server Protocol server for PureScript wrapping purs ide server functionality
Error/Warning reporting frontend for psc
A syntax tidy-upper (formatter) for PureScript
PureScript pretty printer
Download illusts from
Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
Progressive static site generator for React
Firefox Reader Mode in your terminal - get useful text from a web page using Mozilla's Readability…
OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
Chmod for human beings!
Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from your Markdown files
A deep deletion module for node (like rm -rf)
Next-generation ES module bundler
Framework for converting Left-To-Right (LTR) Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) to Right-To-Left (RTL)
A professional solution for consolidating all your JavaScript projects in one Git repo
A pure JavaScript implementation of Sass
The semantic version parser used by npm
Static file serving and directory listing
Build applications on AWS Lambda and other next-gen cloud services, that auto-scale and only charg…
Sloc is a simple tool to count SLOC (source lines of code)
Old Client SDK and CLI for the Joyent SmartDataCenter API
Scans and monitors projects for security vulnerabilities
Test your internet connection speed and ping using from the CLI
Whitespace formatter for different query languages
Mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions
CLI for the CDN
Svelte Code Checker Terminal Interface
Language server (implementing the language server protocol) for Svelte
Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files
A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces
A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+
Pluggable natural language linter for text and markdown
Textlint rule check if write abbreviations within parentheses
Textlint rule for alex
Textlint rule to check common misspellings
Textlint rule to check correct usage of diacritics
Textlint rule that specify the maximum word count of a sentence
Textlint rule is that limit maximum comma(,) count of sentence
Textlint rule that check no start with duplicated conjunction
Textlint rule that check with or without period in list item
Textlint rule to find filler words, buzzwords and clichés
Textlint rule to check correct terms spelling
Textlint rule that check unexpanded acronym
Textlint rule to check your English styles with write-good
Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client
The Lounge plugin to close all PMs on a network
Simple plugin for the irc client thelounge that allows you to quickly look up giphy-gifs
Simple plugin for the irc client thelounge that allows you to register shortcuts/aliases for comma…
A very nice theme for The Lounge
Black theme suitable for AMOLED displays
Black theme suitable for AMOLED displays - with Source Code Pro
A bdefault theme
A bmorning theme
Darkly elegant theme for The Lounge
Classic theme for The Lounge, to get a v2 look with The Lounge v3
A common theme
Retro & high-contrast theme for The Lounge
A discordapp like theme for thelounge
Dracula theme for thelounge
A simple flat theme with blue colours
A simple flat theme with dark colours
The only theme you'll ever need ;P
Somtething like Solarized
Colourful Material Design theme for The Lounge
A simple theme for The Lounge with custom highlights
Midnight theme for the lounge with bubble layout on mobile devices
A dark, minimal theme for thelounge
Monokai Colors with Classic Console Neue font
A dark theme
A dark theme for The Lounge
Dark, modern looking theme with conversational message layout
Compact version of New Morning theme
A no-logo theme for The Lounge
Nordify your lounge
One Dark theme for The Lounge
A lovely dark purple theme for The Lounge
A theme for The Lounge
A personal theme, derived from thelounge-theme-nord
A simple theme with Solarized colours
A simple theme with Solarized colors
Dark & low-contrast theme for The Lounge, based on the Vim's Zenburn color scheme
Dark & low-contrast theme for The Lounge, based on the Vim's Zenburn color scheme
Dark & low-contrast theme for The Lounge, based on the Vim's Zenburn color scheme
A non-linear personal web notebook
TritonDataCenter Client CLI and Node.js SDK