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Showing entries 1-10 out of 10.
vibrantLinuxNix package
A tool to automate managing your screen's saturation depending on what programs are running
VictoriaMetricsNix package
Fast, cost-effective and scalable time series database, long-term remote storage for Prometheus
vidmergerNix package
Merge video & audio files via CLI
viebNix package
Vim Inspired Electron Browser
vikunjaNix package
The Todo-app to organize your life
VImScript language server, LSP for vim script
vimix-cursorsNix package
An X cursor theme inspired by Materia design
vinegarNix package
An open-source, minimal, configurable, fast bootstrapper for running Roblox on Linux
virtio-winvirtio-winNix package
Windows VirtIO Drivers
virtio-winwin-virtioNix package
Windows VirtIO Drivers