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Showing entries 1-21 out of 21.
deltaNixOS option-set
diff-so-fancyNixOS option-set
difftasticNixOS option-set
includesNixOS option-set
lfsNixOS option-set
promptNixOS option-set
signingNixOS option-set
Git aliases to define
List of defining attributes set globally
Configuration to write to /etc/gitconfig
programs.git.enableenableNixOS option
Whether to enable Git
programs.git.enableenableNixOS option
Whether to enable git
Additional configuration to add
programs.git.hooksNixOS option
Configuration helper for Git hooks
List of paths that should be globally ignored
List of configuration files to include
programs.git.packagepackageNixOS option
Git package to install
programs.git.packagepackageNixOS option
The git package to use
Options related to signing commits using GnuPG
Default user email to use
Default user name to use