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Showing entries 1-51 out of 51.
tmuxinatorNixOS option-set
tmuxOptionsNixOS option-set
tmuxpNixOS option-set
programs.tmux.aggressiveResizeaggressiveResizeNixOS option
Resize the window to the size of the smallest session for which it is the current window
programs.tmux.aggressiveResizeaggressiveResizeNixOS option
Resize the window to the size of the smallest session for which it is the current window
programs.tmux.baseIndexbaseIndexNixOS option
Base index for windows and panes
programs.tmux.baseIndexbaseIndexNixOS option
Base index for windows and panes
programs.tmux.clock24clock24NixOS option
Use 24 hour clock
programs.tmux.clock24clock24NixOS option
Use 24 hour clock
programs.tmux.customPaneNavigationAndResizecustomPaneNavigationAndResizeNixOS option
Override the hjkl and HJKL bindings for pane navigation and resizing in VI mode
programs.tmux.customPaneNavigationAndResizecustomPaneNavigationAndResizeNixOS option
Override the hjkl and HJKL bindings for pane navigation and resizing in VI mode
The default command to use for tmux panes
Disable confirmation prompt before killing a pane or window
programs.tmux.enableenableNixOS option
Whether to enable tmux
programs.tmux.enableenableNixOS option
Whether to configure tmux
programs.tmux.enableenableNixOS option
Whenever to configure tmux system-wide
Enable fzf keybindings for selecting tmux sessions and panes
Enable mouse support for tmux
Enable sensible configuration options for tmux
Enable vim style keybindings for copy mode, and navigation of tmux panes
programs.tmux.escapeTimeescapeTimeNixOS option
Time in milliseconds for which tmux waits after an escape is input
programs.tmux.escapeTimeescapeTimeNixOS option
Time in milliseconds for which tmux waits after an escape is input
programs.tmux.extraConfigextraConfigNixOS option
Additional configuration to add to tmux.conf
programs.tmux.extraConfigextraConfigNixOS option
Extra configuration to add to tmux.conf
programs.tmux.extraConfigextraConfigNixOS option
Additional contents of /etc/tmux.conf, to be run after sourcing plugins
Additional contents of /etc/tmux.conf, to be run before sourcing plugins
programs.tmux.historyLimithistoryLimitNixOS option
Maximum number of lines held in window history
programs.tmux.historyLimithistoryLimitNixOS option
Maximum number of lines held in window history
Cater to iTerm2 and its tmux integration, as appropriate
programs.tmux.keyModekeyModeNixOS option
VI or Emacs style shortcuts
programs.tmux.keyModekeyModeNixOS option
VI or Emacs style shortcuts
Whether to enable mouse support
programs.tmux.newSessionnewSessionNixOS option
Automatically spawn a session if trying to attach and none are running
programs.tmux.newSessionnewSessionNixOS option
Automatically spawn a session if trying to attach and none are running
The tmux package to install
programs.tmux.pluginspluginsNixOS option
List of tmux plugins to be included at the end of your tmux configuration
programs.tmux.pluginspluginsNixOS option
List of plugins to install
Set the prefix key
programs.tmux.resizeAmountresizeAmountNixOS option
Number of lines/columns when resizing
programs.tmux.resizeAmountresizeAmountNixOS option
Number of lines/columns when resizing
programs.tmux.reverseSplitreverseSplitNixOS option
Reverse the window split shortcuts
programs.tmux.reverseSplitreverseSplitNixOS option
Reverse the window split shortcuts
programs.tmux.secureSocketsecureSocketNixOS option
Store tmux socket under /run, which is more secure than /tmp, but as a downside it doesn't survive…
programs.tmux.secureSocketsecureSocketNixOS option
Store tmux socket under /run, which is more secure than /tmp, but as a downside it doesn't survive…
Run the sensible plugin at the top of the configuration
Set the default-shell tmux variable
programs.tmux.shortcutshortcutNixOS option
CTRL following by this key is used as the main shortcut
programs.tmux.shortcutshortcutNixOS option
Ctrl following by this key is used as the main shortcut
programs.tmux.terminalterminalNixOS option
Set the $TERM variable
programs.tmux.terminalterminalNixOS option
Set the $TERM variable
Whether to enable libutempter for tmux