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Showing entries 201-300 out of 785.
Close the Overview with a single ESC press when searchbox is empty
Search and access settings of installed extensions from the Activities overview
Espresso disables the usual auto suspend and screensaver functionality and optionally Night Light …
Display Ethereum gas price on the panel
EUR (Euro) converted to USD (US Dollar)
USD (US Dolar) converted to MXN (Mexican Peso)
Use dbus to identify the PID and window in focus
Display the current and upcoming Nord Pool electricity ("pörssisähkö") prices in Finland, on an ho…
Execute multiple shell commands periodically with separate intervals and display the output in gno…
Makes the notifications in the notification list expandable
Simple GNOME Shell extension manager in the top panel
A quick overlay glass panel showing a grid to view / manage installed extensions
Let your desktop "keep an eye" on your mouse!
FancyZones clone for GNOME
Provide panel menu for favorites
Keep favourite applications in AppGrid
GNOME Shell update indicator for Fedora Linux
Ensure that Firefox Picture-in-Picture window are always on top
This GNOME extension makes it easy to launch Firefox with a specific profile from the indicator me…
When a workspace switch occurs, this extension ensures the focus is on a window located in the new…
Prevent MRU re-sorting of IME list on switching input method so it will always be the same sequenc…
Move dock anywhere on the desktop
A marking menu which can be used to launch applications, simulate hotkeys, open URLs and much more
FnLock switch for Lenovo ThinkPad Compact USB and Lenovo ThinkPad Trackpoint Keyboard II (wireless…
Transparent inactive windows
Change focus between windows in all directions
Focus the primary monitor after switching workspaces via keyboard
Exposes a D-Bus method to get active window title and class
Improve focus and increase your productive by listening to different sounds
Adds a force quit button
Automagically opens the activities view when workspace is empty
Tiling and window manager for GNOME
A Gnome extension that provides a convenient way to control your framework laptop fan profile when…
Shows CPU temperature, disk temperature, video card temperature (NVIDIA/Catalyst/Bumblebee&NVI…
Add a toggle to enable/disable CPU frequency boost in Gnome Quick Settings menu
Moves the top panel to the secondary monitor if the primary is in fullscreen
A button in the status bar to expand current window to fullscreen
Enables hot corner in fullscreen mode
Enables all notifications in fullscreen mode
New, maximized and fullscreen windows will be moved to empty workspaces
New, maximized and fullscreen windows will be moved to empty workspaces
A human-readable clock for the gnome-shell panel
Make the top bar clock fuzzy
A human-readable clock for the gnome-shell panel
Fan Control for Framework
A fullscreen overlay widget for GNOME that displays useful information, audio controls and more
While gamemode is active, an icon will appear in the System-Settings
GameMode Status Indicator for GNOME Shell!
Adds a binary clock to the gnome top bar
Control your audio with a DIY volume mixer
Display text & icon on systray using DBUS
Tool to Show Github Actions status on Gnome Desktop
A new Onscreen Keyboard built using GNOME JS
This extension puts adds an indicator to the top panel whose icon continuously renders two comic-l…
GNOME Shell Extension for Quick Access to Google Meet
Tunes gnome 4x Overview UI to make it more usable
Hey Gnome, it's bedtime!
Fuzzy application search results for Gnome Search
Show Hebrew Date in the Panel
A Gnome extension that shows the NordVPN status in the top bar and provides the ability to configu…
Quickly toggle between two workspaces with one key
A Gnome extension helps you tracking gold price in realtime
Shows the current price of Gold and Silver
You need to install envycontrol( to make this extension wo…
Simple GPU Profile switcher Gnome-Shell-Extension for ASUS laptops using Supergfxctl
Makes GNOME's panel's background gradient
Removes the 'Window is ready' notification and brings the window into focus instead
Synchronize GNOME Shell user icon with an avatar service, one of Gravatar or Libravatar
Make individual windows grayscale
Do not allow apps to delete their own notifications (e.g. web skype does that)
KDE Connect implementation for Gnome Shell
Organize windows in customizable snap zones like FancyZones on Windows
Tile windows on a grid
Libadwaita/Gtk4 port of Desktop Icons NG with multiple fixes and new features
A gnome extension designed for efficiently carrying out executions of commands from a customizable…
Lets you control Haguichi directly from the system status area in GNOME Shell
Assign hotkeys to applications to give them focus or launch them
Show harddisk activity (IO speed read/write and LED)
This extension reverts the ibus input source to default when entering the overview, and restores i…
Automatically enables the experimental HDR support of GNOME Shell 47 on startup
Gnome Shell Extension to visualize headset status from HeadsetControl (…
Prayer times based on's schedule and Herkul Radio streaming fro…
Adds a Hibernate button in Status menu
Hide the accessibility menu icon on panel when running an accessibility option
Hides the Activities button from the status bar (the hot corner and keyboard shortcut keeps workin…
Hide the mouse cursor on inactivity
Hide everything on the right box exept this button and Settings window
Hide keyboard layout indicator in status bar
Hide minimized in overview
Simply hides the clock from the panel
Hides the dock in overview mode
Hides the top bar, except in overview
Hide Universal Access icon from the status bar
Just hide the volume indicator from the top bar and nothing more
Hide workspace thumbnails from the overview
Highlights the focussed window with a temporary border
Use PageUp and PageDown to move in HistoryManager (eg
A simple gnome shell extension for Home Assistant
Displays the Hostname on the Gnome Panel