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Showing entries 10201-10300 out of 18547.
MailChimp subscription request handler
Haskell library to interact with Mailchimp JSON API Version 3.0
API binding for Mailgun
Mailtrap API library
Capture stdout/stderr/exit code, and replace stdin of your main function
Pretty printing designed for printing source code
Majordomo protocol for ZeroMQ
Boyer-Moore Majority Vote Algorithm
Change duplicated files into hard-links
Make a MonoFoldable type into an ordinary Foldable type
Make a cabalized package
Helper for writing redo scripts in Haskell
Simple Makefile parser and generator
Database migration and testing as a library
Static Website Generator in Haskell
A monad for managed values
Remote Management Framework
Simple HTTP-Based Connector for Managed Functions
JSON Support for the Managed Functions Framework
The Haskell/Gtk+ Integrated Live Environment
Virtual package to install all Manatee packages
Multithread interactive input/search framework for Manatee
Browser extension for Manatee
The core of Manatee
Download Manager extension for Manatee
Editor extension for Manatee
File manager extension for Manatee
Image viewer extension for Manatee
IRC client extension for Manatee
Mplayer client extension for Manatee
PDF viewer extension for Manatee
Process manager extension for Manatee
Feed reader extension for Manatee
Template code to create Manatee application
Terminal Emulator extension for Manatee
Welcome module to help user play Manatee quickly
Simple mancala game
Library for interfacing with the Mandrill JSON API
A zooming visualisation of the Mandelbrot Set as many Julia Sets
Bindings to the MangoPay API
A parser for web documents according to the HTML5 specification
Sampling random points on general manifolds
Coordinate-free hypersurfaces
The basic classes for the manifolds hierarchy
Reals in the interval [0,1), as machine words
MapNix package
Class of key-value maps
A set of classes and instances for working with key/value mappings
Extensions to Data
Foldl wrappers for map-reduce
Syntax sugar for defining maps
Efficient, polymorphic Map Algebra
Types which represent functions k -> V
mappyNix package
A functional programming language focused around maps
Bindings to the MapQuest API
MapWith: like fmap, but with additional parameters (isFirst, isLast, etc)
Library for MIDI control of hardware
Marching Cubes
Marching Cubes
Minimal tool to make your blog in Haskell
A study of marionetta movements
Convert Markdown to HTML, with XSS protection
Convert Markdown to HTML, with XSS protection
Markdown parser with papillon
Literate Haskell support for Markdown
Markdown to svg converter
Pretty-printing library, with scoping, based on pretty
Simple interpreter for Markov's normal algorithms
Markov Chains for generating random sequences with a user definable behaviour
Computations for Markov chain usage models
Hidden Markov processes
Realizations of Markov chains
Abstraction for HTML-embedded content
A markup parser
A simple markup document preview (markdown, textile, reStructuredText)
Upload packages to Marmalade
Client library for Vaultaire
marsNix package
Generates mountainous terrain using a random walk algorithm
A ContT-based wrapper for Haskell-to-C marshalling functions
A framework for modular, portable chat bots
Compile time string interpolation a la Scala and CoffeeScript
Markup language preprocessor for Haskell
@minamiyama1994_bot on haskell
Generate MASM code from haskell
masonNix package
Fast and extensible bytestring builder
Massiv (Массив) is an Array Library
Import/export of Image files into massiv Arrays
Compatibility of 'massiv' with 'persist'
Work stealing scheduler for Massiv (Массив) and other parallel applications
Compatibility of 'massiv' with 'serialise'
massiv-testmassiv-testNix package
Library that contains generators, properties and tests for Massiv Array Library
massiv-testmassiv-test_1_1_0_0Nix package
Library that contains generators, properties and tests for Massiv Array Library
The project management tool for hackers
Console mastermind decypher
A micro web framework based on pattern matching
matchablematchableNix package
A type class for Matchable Functors
matchablematchable_0_2Nix package
A type class for Matchable Functors
Generates Matchable instances using TemplateHaskell
A composable abstraction for checking or converting a context value
Text matchers