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Showing entries 13001-13100 out of 18547.
A project initialization library
Relational Algebra Engine
Specify Haskell project templates and generate files
Go to
Projection function for arbitrarily nested binary product types
Bindings to the projectroot C logic
Profunctor-based lightweight implementation of optics
A Prolog interpreter written in Haskell
A command line tool to visualize query resolution in Prolog
Generating images of resolution trees for Prolog queries
Better, more general Prelude exporting common utilities
ACI Learning's custom prelude
prometheusprometheusNix package
Prometheus Haskell Client
prometheusprometheus_2_3_0Nix package
Prometheus Haskell Client
Haskell client library for
Instrument applications with metrics and publish/push to Prometheus
Metrics exposing GHC runtime information for use with prometheus-client
Export metrics from /proc for the current process
Instrument a wai application with various metrics
A monadic interface for async
Lazy demand-driven promises
Monad (and transformer) for deferred-effect pure prompt-response queries
A library for interfacing with the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
Telegram bot for proof assistants
Conveniences for using Hedgehog as a unit test runner
Auto-active verification of floating-point programs
Functional synthesis of images and animations
A Propagator Library
Property-based host configuration management in haskell
An implementation of propositional logic in Haskell
Check quickCheck properties in real time
Common properties
Apple property list parser
A library for tests, based on transforming and writing properties
A library for functional GUI development
Propositional Logic
propsNix package
Reusable quickcheck properties
Proquints: Identifiers that are Readable, Spellable, and Pronounceable
A simple language for writing documents
A DSL for processing Prosidy documents
Explore continuations with trepidation
Bindings to the Prosper marketplace API
Simple audio library for Windows, Linux, OSX
Simple audio library for SDL
Neovim Project Manager
A lens-based implementation of protocol buffers in Haskell
Arbitrary instances for proto-lens
Utilities functions to proto-lens
Protocol buffers for describing the definitions of messages
JSON protobuf encoding for proto-lens
Adapting proto-lens to optparse-applicative ReadMs
Basic protocol buffer message types
Protocol buffer compiler for the proto-lens library
Modules that are needed by the Haskell files generated by proto-lens-protoc
Cabal support for codegen with proto-lens
A higher-level API to the proto3-wire library
A low-level implementation of the Protocol Buffers (version 3) wire format
Google Protocol Buffers via GHC.Generics
Slow protobuf implementation
Protocol Buffers via C++
Simple Protocol Buffers library (proto2)
Model distributed system as type-level multi-party protocol
Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications
Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications
Parser and printer for radius protocol packet
Testsuit of protocol-radius haskell package
A small prelude
Protolude with lifted-base and lifted-async
Please see the README on GitHub at
Simple XML templating library
Prototype-based programming on Haskell
The server for ProveEverywhere
Computations that automatically track data dependencies
Lightweight dependency injection / namespaced+typed implicit-ish arguments
Make functions consume Proxy instead of undefined
ProxNNix package
Proximity sets in N dimensions
proxyNix package
Proxy helpers
A library for kind-polymorphic manipulation and inspection of Proxy values
Mapping of Proxy Types
Prune unused Haskell dependencies
Language support for the PureScript programming language
Reading/Writing OPB/WBO files used in pseudo boolean competition
A tagged rose-tree with short circuited unique leaves
Cpp-style built-in macros using Template Haskell
psiNix package
Yet another custom Prelude
psqlNix package
PostgreSQL client
A small collection of helper functions to generate postgresql queries
PostgreSQL Simple util tools
Priority Search Queue
Pure priority search queues
A Haskell Implementation of the Porter Stemmer
psxNix package
Integrate libpsx with the GHC RTS
pteraNix package
A parser generator
A parser generator
A parser generator
Bindings for the pthread library
PTQNix package
An implementation of Montague's PTQ