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Showing entries 16701-16800 out of 18547.
Arrow-like / category-like composition for transformers
Control flow data type and monad transformer
Sensible conversions between some of the monad transformers
An approach to managing composable effects, ala mtl/transformers/extensible-effects/Eff
An Either monad transformer
An Except monad transformer with
Monad transformer for evaluating to a fixpoint
Free monad transformers
Ad-hoc type classes for lifting
A unified interface for the run operation of monad transformers
Supply applicative, monad, applicative transformer and monad transformer
Tutorial on monad transformers
A library to apply transformation to containers so as to maximize sharing of unchanged subcomponen…
Composing programs with multithreading, events and distributed computing
Fully composable remote execution for the creation of distributed systems
Transient with secure communications
Integer sets with a constant time translate operation
Haskell binding to Google's AJAX Language API for Translation and Detection
Translation cli tool
trasaNix package
Type Safe Web Routing
Type safe http requests
Extra functions for trasa
Generate forms using lucid, ditto and trasa
Reactive Type Safe Routing
Type safe web server
Template Haskell to generate trasa routes
See README for more info
General data structure lifting for Template Haskell
Generic applicative traversals
A simple client implementation using Travis CI API
.travis.yml preprocessor
A better travis_wait
trawlNix package
A tool for finding haddocks
Tray Icon application to PowerOff / Reboot computer
treapNix package
Efficient implementation of the implicit treap data structure
tree-difftree-diffNix package
Diffing of (expression) trees
tree-difftree-diff_0_3_3Nix package
Diffing of (expression) trees
Library for functions pertaining to tree exploration and manipulation
Non-Determinism Monad for Tree Search
Configurable text rendering of trees
Unstable bindings for the tree-sitter parsing library
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for C#
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Go
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Haskell (with GHC extensions)
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Java
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for JSON
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for OCaml
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for PHP
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Python
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for QL
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Ruby
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Rust
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for TSX
Tree-sitter grammar/parser for TypeScript
Functions and newtype wrappers for traversing Trees
Render trees as foldable HTML and Unicode art
Wait-free Tree Counter
Provides folds which try to combine elements in a balanced way
A tree of Data.Map
Generates HTML for Data
Treemap related commands for producing foldable TreeMap HTML
Structure Editing Combinators
Library for a multi-way tree (rose tree), using Seq (finger tree) for forests
A collection of heaps and search trees
TreeTNix package
Transformer for Data
Visualization of computation decomposition trees
Lock free Treiber stack
trekNix package
Please see the README on GitHub at
A PostgreSQL Database Migrator
A PostgreSQL Database Migrator
Please see the README on GitHub at
Library for polling Tremulous servers
A simple trend Graph script
trhsxNix package
trialNix package
Trial Data Structure
Trial helper functions for optparse-applicative
Trial helper functions for tomland
Triangulation of polygons
trie-simpletrie-simpleNix package
Simple Map-based Trie
trie-simpletrie-simple_0_4_3Nix package
Simple Map-based Trie
Automatic type inference of generalized tries with Template Haskell
triesNix package
Various trie implementations in Haskell
A modern parser combinator library with convenient diagnostics
Trigger is a cross platform file system watcher for super fast build-and-restart workflows
trimNix package
A command-line tool for trimming whitespace
A utility for neat multiline string trimming
Search for, annotate and trim poly-A tail
TripleSec is a simple, triple-paranoid, symmetric encryption library
A very simple triple store
The trivial monad and comonad
Constraints that any type, resp
A library for tropical mathematics
A Tropical Geometry package for Haskell
Template Haskell hack to violate module abstractions
Audio file compressor-limiter
trurlNix package
Haskell template code generator
An implementation of a trust chain
Typeclass for truthfulness of values
Generalized booleans and truthy values
A Transaction Framework for Web Applications