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Showing entries 5601-5700 out of 18268.
Simplified GHC API
Simplified interface to the GHC API
Constructs Haskell syntax trees for the GHC API
Generic GHC Plugin for annotating Haskell code with source location data
Compile source code from the standard input
Data and Typeable instances for the GHC API
Scrap Your Boilerplate utilities for the GHC API
Symbol on term level
ghc-syntax-highlighterghc-syntax-highlighterNix package
Syntax highlighter for Haskell using the lexer of GHC
ghc-syntax-highlighterghc-syntax-highlighter_0_0_12_0Nix package
Syntax highlighter for Haskell using the lexer of GHC
ghc-tagsghc-tagsNix package
Utility for generating ctags and etags with GHC API
ghc-tagsghc-tags_1_5Nix package
Utility for generating ctags and etags with GHC API
ghc-tagsghc-tags_1_6Nix package
Utility for generating ctags and etags with GHC API
ghc-tagsghc-tags_1_7Nix package
Utility for generating ctags and etags with GHC API
ghc-tagsghc-tags_1_8Nix package
Utility for generating ctags and etags with GHC API
CTags and ETags from Haskell syntax tree
Streaming interface for ghc-tags-core
A compiler plugin which generates tags file from GHC parsed syntax tree
An API for type-checker plugins
Utilities for writing GHC type-checker plugins
Library for parsing GHC time and allocation profiling reports
Provides bindings to functions starting and stopping the RTS timers
Faster traceEvent and traceMarker, and binary object logging for eventlog
Additional type-level operations on GHC.TypeLits
Derive KnownNat constraints from other KnownNat constraints
GHC typechecker plugin for types of kind GHC.TypeLits
Presburger Arithmetic Solver for GHC Type-level natural numbers
Print minimal export lists
Live visualization of data structures in GHCi
Dump the ghc flags during compilation
ghciNix package
The library supporting GHC's interactive interpreter
Ghci-dap is a GHCi having DAP interface
Display simple diagrams from ghci
An implementation of ghci using the Haskeline line-input library
GHCi as a Hex Calculator interactive
Parse output of ghci ":history" command
A library for interactively evaluating Haskell code
Next generation GHCi
Colored pretty-printing within ghci
A websocket server that survives GHCi reloads
ghcidNix package
GHCi based bare bones IDE
The core of an IDE
An LSP client for running performance experiments on HLS
Test utils for ghcide
A Terminal User Interface (TUI) for GHCi
Crossbrowser AJAX Bindings for GHCJS
Base library for GHCJS
Allow GHCJS projects to compile under GHC and develop using intero
Installs CodeMirror JavaScript files
DOM library that supports both GHCJS and GHC
GHCJS DOM Hello World, an example package
DOM library using JSFFI and GHCJS
DOM library that supports both GHCJS and GHC using jsaddle
DOM library using JSFFI and GHCJS
DOM library that supports both GHCJS and WebKitGTK
GHCJS bindings for the JavaScript Fetch API
Client-side web EDSL for transient nodes running in the web browser
GHCJS version of Perch library
Bidirectional bidings to javascript's promise
Virtual-dom bindings for GHCJS
Deprecated: use ghcjs-base's native websockets
XmlHttpRequest ("AJAX") bindings for GHCJS
Interactive Haskell interpreter in a browser
GHC .prof files viewer
ghcupNix package
Ghc toolchain installer
Decode Z-encoded strings from GHC
GHoodNix package
A graphical viewer for Hood
Existential type utilites
Let Ghostscript render pages in parallel
ghtNix package
Trivial routines for inspecting git repositories
Adwaita bindings
Atk bindings
Libayatana-appindicator3 bindings
Cairo bindings
Bridge between packages gi-* and cairo-core
GI friendly Binding to the Cairo library
GI friendly Binding to the Cairo library
Clutter GObject bindings
COGL GObject bindings
Cogl Pango GObject bindings
Libdazzle bindings
Dbusmenu bindings
DbusmenuGtk bindings
Freetype2 bindings
gi-gdkgi-gdkNix package
Gdk bindings
gi-gdkgi-gdk_4Nix package
Gdk bindings
GdkPixbuf bindings
gi-gdkx11gi-gdkx11Nix package
GdkX11 bindings
gi-gdkx11gi-gdkx11_4_0_8Nix package
GdkX11 bindings
Libges bindings
Libgit2-glib bindings
Gio bindings
Haskell implementation of GListModel interface from gi-gio
GIRepository (gobject-introspection) bindings
GLib bindings
GModule bindings
GObject bindings
Graphene bindings
Gsk bindings