Showing entries 201-300 out of 469.
Classic Minesweeper game
Sound mixer
Program that clicks the mouse for you
Mathematical function plotter
Naval Battle is a ship sinking game
Single player logic game
Chess game
Popup notes
Image gallery mobile application
Miniature golf
Casual game
Paint program
Diff/patch frontend
Companion application for conferences
Web browser, file manager and viewer
Galactic strategy game
KDE terminal emulator
Personal information manager
Integrated IRC client for KDE
Personal organizer
Pulseaudio bindings for Qt
KDE Partition Manager core library
Property editing framework with editor widget similar to what is known from Qt Designer
Set of QtQuick components providing basic image editing capabilities
Remote desktop client
Audio recorder for Plasma Mobile
Framework for creation and generation of reports in multiple formats
Simple one player strategy game played against the computer
Desktop sharing (VNC)
Dynamic tiling extension for KWin
Screen ruler
Simple backend for KRunner providing SSH hosts from your .ssh/known_hosts file as search results
Little krunner plugin (Plasma 5) to retrieve unicode symbols, or any other string, based on a corr…
Solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles
Space arcade game
Game of Dots and Boxes
Suduko game
System log viewer
Handy timer for steeping tea
Little tool to execute programs after some time
KDE integrated BtTorrent client
Touch typing tutor from the KDE software collection
Public transport trip planner
Educational programming environment for learning how to program
Framework for collecting user feedback for apps via telemetry and surveys
KDE wallet management tool
Simple media player
Integration plugins for various KDE frameworks for the Wayland windowing system
Weather application for Plasma Mobile
Library to facilitate retrieval of weather information including forecasts and alerts
Tiling script for kwin
KWin Script for snapping windows into zones
Headers and link library for other ldutils projects