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Showing entries 1-100 out of 2805.
audioNix package categories
bashNix package categories
boost-extNix package categories
gccNix package categories
grantleeNix package categories
gsignondNix package categories
gstreamerNix package categories
javaNix package categories
phononNix package categories
physicsNix package categories
qt-5Nix package categories
qt-6Nix package categories
scienceNix package categories
telepathyNix package categories
xapianNix package categories
aalibNix package
ASCII art graphics library
abseil-cppabseil-cppNix package
An open-source collection of C++ code designed to augment the C++ standard library
abseil-cppabseil-cpp_202103Nix package
An open-source collection of C++ code designed to augment the C++ standard library
abseil-cppabseil-cpp_202206Nix package
An open-source collection of C++ code designed to augment the C++ standard library
abseil-cppabseil-cpp_202301Nix package
An open-source collection of C++ code designed to augment the C++ standard library
abseil-cppabseil-cpp_202308Nix package
An open-source collection of C++ code designed to augment the C++ standard library
QML bindings for libaccounts-qt + libsignon-qt
accounts-qtkdePackagesNix package
Qt library for accessing the online accounts database
accounts-qtlibsForQt5Nix package
Qt library for accessing the online accounts database
accountsserviceNix package
D-Bus interface for user account query and manipulation
aceNix package
ADAPTIVE Communication Environment
aclNix package
Library and tools for manipulating access control lists
actor-frameworkNix package
An open source implementation of the actor model in C++
adnsNix package
Asynchronous DNS Resolver Library
adslib-unstableNix package
Beckhoff protocol to communicate with TwinCAT devices
aemuNix package
Android emulation utilities library
afflibNix package
Advanced forensic format library
aftenNix package
An audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification
aggNix package
High quality rendering engine for C++
aixlogNix package
Header-only C++ logging library
alembicNix package
An open framework for storing and sharing scene data
alglib3Nix package
Numerical analysis and data processing library
Library used by KDE finance applications
allegroallegroNix package
A game programming library
allegroallegro5Nix package
A game programming library
alureNix package
A utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications
alure2-unstableNix package
A utility library for OpenAL, providing a C++ API and managing common tasks that include file load…
amdvlkamdvlkNix package
AMD Open Source Driver For Vulkan
amdvlkdriversi686Linux.amdvlkNix package
AMD Open Source Driver For Vulkan
amf-headersNix package
Headers for The Advanced Media Framework (AMF)
amlNix package
Another main loop
amrnbNix package
AMR Narrow-Band Codec
amrwbNix package
AMR Wide-Band Codec
anticNix package
An algebraic number theory library
AntTweakBarNix package
Add a light/intuitive GUI to OpenGL applications
apache-activemqNix package
Messaging and Integration Patterns server written in Java
Bindings for appindicator using gobject-introspection
Plasma 5 applet in order to show window menu in your panels
Plasma 5 applet in order to show window buttons in your panels
appstreamNix package
Software metadata handling library
appstream-glibNix package
Objects and helper methods to read and write AppStream metadata
appstream-qtkdePackagesNix package
Software metadata handling library - Qt
appstream-qtlibsForQt5Nix package
Software metadata handling library - Qt
aprNix package
The Apache Portable Runtime library
apr-utilNix package
A companion library to APR, the Apache Portable Runtime
aptdecNix package
NOAA APT satellite imagery decoding library
aqbankingNix package
An interface to banking tasks, file formats and country information
aravisNix package
Library for video acquisition using GenICam cameras
arbNix package
A library for arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic
argp-standaloneNix package
Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from Glibc
argparseNix package
Argument Parser for Modern C++
argsNix package
A simple header-only C++ argument parser library
Library for argument handling for MINC programs
aribb25Nix package
Sample implementation of the ARIB STD-B25 standard
armadilloNix package
C++ linear algebra library
arpa2commonNix package
ARPA2 ID and ACL libraries and other core data structures for ARPA2
arrayfireNix package
A general-purpose library for parallel and massively-parallel computations
arrow-glibNix package
GLib bindings for Apache Arrow
asioasioNix package
Cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming
asioasio_1_10Nix package
Cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming
asmjit-unstableNix package
Machine code generation for C++
aspellNix package
Spell checker for many languages
Aspell dictionary for Afrikaans
Aspell dictionary for Amharic
Aspell dictionary for Arabic
Aspell dictionary for Asturian
Aspell dictionary for Azerbaijani
Aspell dictionary for Belarusian
Aspell dictionary for Bulgarian
Aspell dictionary for Bengali
Aspell dictionary for Breton
Aspell dictionary for Catalan
Aspell dictionary for Czech
Aspell dictionary for Kashubian
Aspell dictionary for Welsh
Aspell dictionary for Danish
Aspell dictionary for German
Aspell dictionary for German - Old Spelling
Aspell dictionary for Greek
Aspell dictionary for English
Aspell dictionary for English Computer Jargon
Aspell dictionary for English Scientific Jargon
Aspell dictionary for Esperanto
Aspell dictionary for Spanish
Aspell dictionary for Estonian