Showing entries 6801-6900 out of 9165.
Python API for obtaining QNAP NAS system stats
Page-based viewer widget for Qt5/PyQt5
Quadratic programming solvers in Python with a unified API
Python QR Code image generator
Display QRCode in Terminal
Twisted and PyQt5/qtpy eventloop integration base
Python binding to QScintilla, Qt based text editing control
Python binding to QScintilla, Qt based text editing control
Qt stylesheet generation utility for PyQt/PySide
Material inspired stylesheet for PySide2, PySide6, PyQt5 and PyQt6
Twisted Qt Integration
Iconic fonts in PyQt and PySide applications
Jupyter Qt console
Small, flexible, scriptable tiling window manager written in Python
Extra modules and widgets for the Qtile tiling window manager
Abstraction layer for PyQt5/PyQt6/PySide2/PySide6
Quadratic Programming Solver
Python SDK for interacting with the Qualys API
Quandl Python client library
Quandl Python client library
Quantile Regression Forests compatible with scikit-learn
Python Implementation of Graham Cormode and S. Muthukrishnan's Effective Computation of Biased Qua…
Module for physical quantities (numbers with units)
QuantiPhy support for evals in-line
Quantities is designed to handle arithmetic and conversions of physical quantities
Library for unit extraction - fork of quantulum for python3
Python library for interacting with Verizon Fios Quantum gateway devices
Async Python micro framework for building web applications
Quart-CORS is an extension for Quart to enable and control Cross Origin Resource Sharing, CORS
Package add built-in support for quaternions to numpy
QUick and DIrty Domain Adaptation
Module to handle nested dictionaries
Module to handle nested dictionaries
Python library to build command line user prompts
Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues for Python
Python package for building and parsing Quil programs
Small and flexible Python Web application framework
Open-source software for simulating the dynamics of closed and open quantum systems
Interact with radare2
Python client for Rachio Irrigation controller
21 century R console
Integrate InfCloud into Radicale's web interface
Integrate InfCloud into Radicale's web interface
Tools for Beam IO and Manipulation
Tools for Beam IO and Manipulation
Asynchronous Python client for the Radio Browser API
Python library for Wifi Radiothermostat
Behaviour-Driven-Development tool for python
Various code metrics for Python code
Module to generate SVG railroad syntax diagrams
Streaming command-line twitter client
Module to interact with Melnor RainCloud Smart Garden Watering Irrigation Timer
Python RAML parser
Module to get list of user agents based on filters
Python 3 compatible Python 2 random Module
Create a random file/directory tree/structure in python fortesting purposes
Package provides integer types that have a specific range of valid values
SimpleHTTPServer with support for Range requests
Parses ranges
Collection of BM25 Algorithms in Python
Rapid fuzzy string matching
C-API of RapidFuzz, which can be used to extend RapidFuzz from separate packages
Python library for parallel decompression and seeking within compressed gzip files
Cross platform OCR Library based on OnnxRuntime
Library for RAPT Pill hydrometer BLE devices
RAR archive reader for Python
Python package to read and write geospatial raster data
Mounts archives as read-only file systems by way of indexing
Library for accessing archives by way of indexing
Simple Python library that limits the number of times a function can be called during a time inter…
Python API Rate Limit Decorator
Legacy Python client for Sentry ( — replaced by sentry-python
CTypes based LibRaw bindings for Python
RAW image processing for Python, a wrapper for libraw
Unified framework for scaling AI and Python applications
Python CFFI bindings for Raylib
Rule-based system for Russian sentence and word tokenization
RBTools is a set of command line tools for working with Review Board and RBCommons
Interoperate R with Python
CSS minifier written in pure python
Python library for working with RDF
Open source toolkit for cheminformatics
Show where your regex match assertion failed
Library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs
HTML content extractor
Fast python port of arc90's readability tool
Fast python port of arc90's readability tool
Python library to read characters and key strokes
GNU Readline-like line editing module
Read mdx/mdd files (repacking of readmdict from mdict-analysis)
Readme is a library for rendering readme descriptions for Warehouse
Python library for rendering readme descriptions
Python library for rendering readme descriptions
Sphinx extension for Read the Docs overrides
Advanced string matching from simple patterns
Python package for scraping recipes data
This library helps you quickly implement an interactive command-based application
Docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark
Module to ease the standardization of logging within omni:us
Library to link records in or between data sources