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Showing entries 1-100 out of 19151.
acquireNix package
Tool to quickly gather forensic artifacts from disk images or a live system
actdiagNix package
Generate activity-diagram image from spec-text file (similar to Graphviz)
aggregate6Nix package
IPv4 and IPv6 prefix aggregation tool
aider-chatNix package
AI pair programming in your terminal
aioblescanNix package
Library to listen for BLE advertized packets
androguardNix package
Tool and Python library to interact with Android Files
ansi2htmlNix package
Convert text with ANSI color codes to HTML
ansible-builderNix package
Ansible execution environment builder
ansible-coreansibleNix package
Radically simple IT automation
ansible-coreansible_2_16Nix package
Radically simple IT automation
ansible-coreansible_2_17Nix package
Radically simple IT automation
anybadgeNix package
Python tool for generating badges for your projects
aocdNix package
Get your Advent of Code data with a single import statement
appriseNix package
Push Notifications that work with just about every platform
arelleNix package
Open source XBRL platform
argparse-manpageNix package
Automatically build man-pages for your Python project
auditwheelNix package
Auditing and relabeling cross-distribution Linux wheels
autoflakeNix package
Tool to remove unused imports and unused variables
aws-adfsNix package
Command line tool to ease AWS CLI authentication against ADFS
banditNix package
Security oriented static analyser for python code
basedmypyNix package
Based Python static type checker with baseline, sane default settings and based typing features
beancountbeancountNix package
Double-entry bookkeeping computer language
beancountbeancount_2Nix package
Double-entry bookkeeping computer language
beancount-blackNix package
Opinioned code formatter for Beancount
beanhub-cliNix package
Command line tools for BeanHub or Beancount users
beanqueryNix package
Beancount Query Language
beautyshNix package
Tool for beautifying Bash scripts
behaveNix package
Behaviour-driven development, Python style
biliassNix package
Convert Bilibili XML/protobuf danmaku to ASS subtitle
blackNix package
Uncompromising Python code formatter
black-macchiatoNix package
This is a small utility built on top of the black Python code formatter to enable formatting of pa…
blacken-docsNix package
Run Black on Python code blocks in documentation files
blockdiagNix package
Generate block-diagram image from spec-text file (similar to Graphviz)
blocksat-cliNix package
Blockstream Satellite CLI
bloodhound-pyNix package
Python based ingestor for BloodHound, based on Impacket
breezyNix package
Friendly distributed version control system
buildcatrustNix package
Build SSL/TLS trust stores
bump-my-versionNix package
Small command line tool to update version
bump2versionNix package
Version-bump your software with a single command
bundlewrapNix package
Easy, Concise and Decentralized Config management with Python
cairosvgNix package
SVG converter based on Cairo
cardimposeNix package
Library for imposing PDF files
certbotNix package
ACME client that can obtain certs and extensibly update server configurations
certipy-adNix package
Library and CLI tool to enumerate and abuse misconfigurations in Active Directory Certificate Serv…
cffconvertNix package
Command line program to validate and convert CITATION.cff files
circusNix package
Process and socket manager
cleanitNix package
Command line tool that helps you to keep your subtitles clean
clevercsvNix package
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files
clickgenNix package
Hassle-free cursor building toolbox
clickhouse-cliNix package
Third-party client for the Clickhouse DBMS server
coconutNix package
Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming
coloredlogsNix package
Colored stream handler for Python's logging module
commitizenNix package
Tool to create committing rules for projects, auto bump versions, and generate changelogs
controkuNix package
Control Roku devices from the comfort of your own desktop
cookiecutterNix package
Command-line utility that creates projects from project templates
corsair-scanNix package
Python module to check for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) misconfigurations
cotNix package
Common OVF Tool
credstashNix package
Utility for managing secrets in the cloud using AWS KMS and DynamoDB
crossplaneNix package
NGINX configuration file parser and builder
StandAlone Async cross-platform Minifier for the Web
csv2mdNix package
Command line tool for converting CSV files into Markdown tables
cvelibNix package
Library and a command line interface for the CVE Services API
cynthionNix package
Python package and utilities for the Great Scott Gadgets Cynthion USB Test Instrument
dataclass-wizardNix package
Set of simple, yet elegant wizarding tools for interacting with the Python dataclasses module
dataladNix package
Keep code, data, containers under control with git and git-annex
Graphical user interface (GUI) for DataLad
datasetteNix package
Multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
dbt-coreNix package
Enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software…
deep-translatorNix package
Python tool to translate between different languages by using multiple translators
deepdiffNix package
Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data
dehinterNix package
Utility for removing hinting data from TrueType and OpenType fonts
detect-secretsNix package
Enterprise friendly way of detecting and preventing secrets in code
dicewareNix package
Generates passphrases by concatenating words randomly picked from wordlists
dinghyNix package
GitHub activity digest tool
dkimpyNix package
DKIM + ARC email signing/verification tools + Python module
dnf-plugins-coreNix package
Core plugins to use with DNF package manager
dnf4Nix package
Package manager based on libdnf and libsolv
dns_lexiconNix package
Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized way
doclingNix package
Get your documents ready for gen AI
docutilsNix package
Python Documentation Utilities
dodgyNix package
Looks at Python code to search for things which look "dodgy" such as passwords or diffs
doitNix package
Task management & automation tool
dot2texNix package
Convert graphs generated by Graphviz to LaTeX friendly formats
dtschemaNix package
Tooling for devicetree validation using YAML and jsonschema
dudenNix package
CLI for dictionary written in Python
dvcdvcNix package
Version Control System for Machine Learning Projects
dvcdvc-with-remotesNix package
Version Control System for Machine Learning Projects
easyocrNix package
Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular writing scripts
executorNix package
Programmer friendly subprocess wrapper
fabricNix package
Pythonic remote execution
fastapi-cliNix package
Run and manage FastAPI apps from the command line with FastAPI CLI
filecheckNix package
Python port of LLVM's FileCheck, flexible pattern matching file verifier
font-vNix package
Python utility for manipulating font version headers
fontbakeryNix package
Tool for checking the quality of font projects
foxdotNix package
Live coding music with SuperCollider
fx2Nix package
Chip support package for Cypress EZ-USB FX2 series microcontrollers
gawdNix package
Gawd is a Python library and command-line tool for computing syntactic differences between two Git…
gdownNix package
CLI tool for downloading large files from Google Drive
gfal2-utilNix package
CLI for gfal2
ghp-importNix package
Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch