Showing entries 9101-9165 out of 9165.
Event publishing system
Event publishing system
File-system Representation Interfaces
File-system Representation Interfaces
Zope Location
Zope Location
Zope.interface extension for defining data schemas
Zope.interface extension for defining data schemas
Interfaces and simple adapter that give the size of an object
Interfaces and simple adapter that give the size of an object
Flexible test runner with layer support
Flexible test runner with layer support
CPython bindings for zopfli
The 'Z' pre-processor, the last preprocessor you'll ever need
Zstandard bindings for Python
Simple python bindings to Yann Collet ZSTD compression library
Bindings for the Zulip message API
Get emojis by Zulip names
Python wrapper for zwave-js-server
Library to connect to a ZWave-Me instance
Python implementation of Dropbox's realistic password strength estimator
Python bindings for zxcvbn-rs, the Rust implementation of zxcvbn
C++ port of zxing (a Java barcode image processing library)
C++ port of zxing (a Java barcode image processing library)
Python wrapper for the OpenCASCADE 3D modeling kernel
Full-text search tool
Framework for comparison of experimental measurements from high-energy particle colliders to theor…
RPM Package Manager
Language Server Protocol implementation for Ruff
File syncing and sharing software with file encryption and group sharing, emphasis on reliability …
Generator for the PySide2 Qt bindings
Generator for the pyside6 Qt bindings
Domain specific library for electronic structure calculations
An active set-based NLP solver
Python-based execution environment for make-like workflows
Vendor and platform neutral SDR support library
Vendor and platform neutral SDR support library
The default build environment for Unix packages in Nixpkgs
RSS/Atom parser written in C++ with Python binding
Computes sparse tensor expressions on CPUs and GPUs
Lightning fast C++/CUDA neural network framework
Trust Region Subproblem Solver Library
Efficient Task Space Inverse Dynamics (TSID) based on Pinocchio
Extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust
Prediction and comparison of RNA secondary structures
Prediction and comparison of RNA secondary structures
Open source libraries for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization
Type-1 hypervisor intended for embedded and hyperscale use cases
Python bindings for the xtensor C++ multi-dimensional array library
Provides small set of data analysis (specifically histogramming) classes
Open RTL synthesis framework and tools
Command-line tool to download videos from and other sites (youtube-dl fork)
Command-line tool to download videos from and other sites (youtube-dl fork)
High-performance theorem prover and SMT solver
High-performance theorem prover and SMT solver
Zeek's Messaging Library
Service which logs the users’s activities and events