Showing entries 1-22 out of 22.
High-level widget set for Tcl/Tk
Easily embed C code in Tcl
Object Oriented Enhancements for Tcl/Tk
Mega-widget toolkit for incr Tk
Implementation of Tcl TIP 424 "Improving [exec]" as a separate package
Tcl implementation of the mustache templating language
Tcl package for generating PDF files
Tcl interface for the FastCGI protocol
Curl support in Tcl
Tcl-only library of standard routines for Tcl
Tcl and Tk Interfaces to GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick
GNU readline for interactive tcl shells
OpenSSL / RSA-bsafe Tcl extension
UDP socket support for Tcl
Tcl extension that exposes Tcl's Virtual File System (VFS) subsystem to the script level
Tcl extensions
XML / DOM / XPath / XSLT / HTML / JSON implementation for Tcl
Widget library for Tcl/Tk
Widget toolkit that provides a library of basic elements for building a GUI in many different prog…
Img package adds several image formats to Tcl/Tk
Framework for writing web applications in Tcl