Showing entries 1-50 out of 50.
Emacs major mode for Cedille
Asynchronous Completion Menu
Patch for LSP bridge acm on Terminal
Agda2-mode for Emacs extracted from Agda package
Project management for Emacs
Project management for Emacs
Free, ultrafast Copilot alternative for Emacs
Precision colors for machines and people; Emacs implementation
Like caps-lock, but for your control key
Unofficial copilot plugin for Emacs
Major modes for Gentoo package files
Embedded drawing tool for Emacs
Emacs Lisp Foreign Function Interface
Elisp package manager
Resolve conflicts happening when using file synchronization tools
Integrates Emacs evil and markdown
Enhancements to standard library font-lock.el
Revert region to most recent Git-historical version
Major mode for editing GN files; taken from GN sources
Library to put text data into boxes and manipulate them
Helm extension for looking up words in dictionaries and thesauri
Emacs mode for hsc3
Emacs library that enhances minibuffer completion
Emacs mode for editing Idris 2 code
Extensions to isearch
Search text- or overlay-property contexts
Emacs major mode for editing Jam files
Major mode for the LLVM assembler language
Blazingly fast LSP client for Emacs
LSP Client for Emacs implemented as a module using Rust
Full-featured e-mail client
Fork of Deft that uses Xapian as a search engine
Emacs ott mode (from ott sources)
Major mode for editing .pod-files
Major mode for Prisma Schema Language
Prolog mode for Emacs
Mark a rectangle of text with highlighting
Small session management for emacs
Next-generation, purely functional package manager for the Emacs hacker
Orthodox (two-pane) file manager for Emacs
Swedish calendar for Emacs
Emacs mode for TeXpresso
Core APIs of the Emacs binding for tree-sitter
Major mode for editing Ur/Web
Set of utilities for controlling Emacs by voice
Emacs major mode for WebAssembly's text format
Specify use of y-or-n-p' or yes-or-no-p' on a case-by-case basis
Emacs youtube-dl download manager
Zstd binding for Emacs Lisp
Minimal Emacs dynamic module for Xapian