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Showing entries 1-100 out of 262.
audioNix package categories
cubocore-packagesNix package categories
mkgmapNix package categories
remarkableNix package categories
1password_1password-guiNix package
Multi-platform password manager
1password_1password-gui-betaNix package
Multi-platform password manager
actionaNix package
Cross-platform automation tool
adobe-readerNix package
Adobe Reader, a viewer for PDF documents
aitrackNix package
6DoF Head tracking software
apeNix package
Parser for Attempto Controlled English (ACE)
ape-clexNix package
Parser for Attempto Controlled English (ACE) with a large lexicon (~100,000 entries)
ArchiSteamFarmNix package
Application with primary purpose of idling Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously
attempto-clexNix package
Large lexicon for APE (~100,000 entries)
ausweisappausweisappNix package
Official authentication app for German ID card and residence permit
ausweisappAusweisApp2Nix package
Official authentication app for German ID card and residence permit
avalonia-ilspyNix package
.NET assembly browser and decompiler
Software for controlling RGB keyboard lights on some gaming laptops that use ITE Device(8291)
barrierNix package
Open-source KVM software
bfcalNix package
Quickly display a calendar
bikeshedNix package
Preprocessor for anyone writing specifications that converts source files into actual specs
binocleNix package
Graphical tool to visualize binary data
birdtrayNix package
Mail system tray notification icon for Thunderbird
bitwarden-menuNix package
Dmenu/Rofi frontend for managing Bitwarden vaults
blenderblenderNix package
3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
blenderblender-hipNix package
3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
Configurable blue light filter
Fetch the battery charge level of some Bluetooth headsets
brewtargetNix package
Open source beer recipe creation tool
Cambridge dictionary in a terminal
candleNix package
GRBL controller application with G-Code visualizer written in Qt
cardpeekNix package
Tool to read the contents of ISO7816 smart cards
cask-serverNix package
Public server and API to interface with Cask features
cataractNix package
Simple static web photo gallery, designed to be clean and easily usable
Simple static web photo gallery, designed to be clean and easily usable
chewing-editorNix package
Cross platform chewing user phrase editor
clightNix package
C daemon that turns your webcam into a light sensor
Qt GUI for clight
clightdNix package
Linux bus interface that changes screen brightness/temperature
CollisionNix package
Check hashes for your files
confclerkNix package
Offline conference schedule viewer
coolreaderNix package
Cross platform open source e-book reader
CopyQNix package
Clipboard Manager with Advanced Features
cubiomes-viewerNix package
Graphical Minecraft seed finder and map viewer
curaNix package
3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
curaenginecuraengineNix package
Powerful, fast and robust engine for processing 3D models into 3D printing instruction
curaenginecuraengine_stableNix package
Engine for processing 3D models into 3D printing instructions
CLI for querying Databricks SQL
ddcuiNix package
Graphical user interface for ddcutil - control monitor settings
Haskell-written notification center for users that like a desktop with style
devilspie2Nix package
Window matching utility
diff-pdfNix package
Simple tool for visually comparing two PDF files
diffpdfNix package
Tool for diffing pdf files visually or textually
digitalbitboxNix package
QT based application for the Digital Bitbox hardware wallet
dingNix package
Simple and fast dictionary lookup tool
dmensamenuNix package
Print German canteen menus using dmenu and OpenMensa
dmenuNix package
Generic, highly customizable, and efficient menu for the X Window System
Efficient dynamic menu for wayland (wlroots)
dupeguruNix package
GUI tool to find duplicate files in a system
edgetxNix package
EdgeTX Companion transmitter support software
electrumNix package
Lightweight Bitcoin wallet
electrum-grsNix package
Lightweight Groestlcoin wallet
electrum-ltcNix package
Lightweight Litecoin Client
Tools for inspecting, analyzing and optimizing ELF files
eureka-ideasNix package
CLI tool to input and store your ideas without leaving the terminal
evtest-qtNix package
Simple input device tester for linux with Qt GUI
far2lNix package
Linux port of FAR Manager v2, a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating syste…
fetchmailNix package
Full-featured remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility
Full-featured remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility
flashprintNix package
Slicer for the FlashForge 3D printers
freemindNix package
Mind-mapping software
Quickly create SH3F files and edit the properties of the 3D models it contain
gammastepNix package
Screen color temperature manager
ganttproject-binNix package
Project scheduling and management
giraraNix package
User interface library
gkrellmNix package
Themeable process stack of system monitors
goldendictNix package
Feature-rich dictionary lookup program
goldendict-ngNix package
Advanced multi-dictionary lookup program
googleearth-proNix package
World sphere viewer
googlerNix package
Google Search, Google Site Search, Google News from the terminal
gphoto2Nix package
Ready to use set of digital camera software applications
gphoto2fsNix package
Fuse FS to mount a digital camera
gpsbabelgpsbabelNix package
Convert, upload and download data from GPS and Map programs
gpsbabelgpsbabel-guiNix package
Convert, upload and download data from GPS and Map programs
gpxseegpxseeNix package
GPS log file viewer and analyzer
gpxseegpxsee-qt6Nix package
GPS log file viewer and analyzer
gremlin-consoleNix package
Console of the Apache TinkerPop graph computing framework
gremlin-serverNix package
Server of the Apache TinkerPop graph computing framework
Helper for screenshots within sway
gxneurNix package
GUI for XNEUR keyboard layout switcher
heimerNix package
Simple cross-platform mind map and note-taking tool written in Qt
hollywoodNix package
Fill your console with Hollywood melodrama technobabble
hovercraftNix package
Makes impress.js presentations from reStructuredText
html5validatorNix package
Command line tool that tests files for HTML5 validity
hue-plusNix package
Windows and Linux driver in Python for the NZXT Hue+
huggleNix package
Anti-vandalism tool for use on MediaWiki-based projects
ikiwikiikiwikiNix package
Wiki compiler, storing pages and history in a RCS
ikiwikiikiwiki-fullNix package
Wiki compiler, storing pages and history in a RCS
inherd-quakeNix package
Knowledge management meta-framework for geeks
inkcutNix package
Control 2D plotters, cutters, engravers, and CNC machines
inlyneNix package
GPU powered browserless markdown viewer