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Showing entries 101-200 out of 262.
inochi-creatorNix package
An open source editor for the Inochi2D puppet format
inochi-sessionNix package
An application that allows streaming with Inochi2D puppets
input-leapNix package
Open-source KVM software
johnny-rebornNix package
Open-source engine for the classic "Johnny Castaway" screensaver (ready to use, with resources)
Open-source engine for the classic "Johnny Castaway" screensaver (engine only)
k4dirstatNix package
Small utility program that sums up disk usage for directory trees
kapowNix package
Punch clock to track time spent on projects
kchmviewerNix package
CHM (Winhelp) files viewer
keepassxcNix package
Offline password manager with many features
kemaiNix package
Kimai desktop client written in QT6
Open source GUI replacement for the Java command-line utilities keytool and jarsigner
kiwixNix package
Offline reader for Web content
kiwix-toolsNix package
Command line Kiwix tools: kiwix-serve, kiwix-manage,
kjv-unstableNix package
Bible, King James Version
klayoutNix package
High performance layout viewer and editor with support for GDS and OASIS
Tool for determining the time a print will take using the Klipper firmware
krenameNix package
Powerful batch renamer for KDE
KSmoothDockNix package
Cool desktop panel for KDE Plasma 5
kupNix package
Backup tool for KDE
Dock-style app launcher based on Plasma frameworks
libkiwixNix package
Common code base for all Kiwix ports
libxpdfNix package
Read the Word of God from your terminal +
lutrislutrisNix package
Open Source gaming platform for GNU/Linux
lutrislutris-freeNix package
Open Source gaming platform for GNU/Linux
lutris-unwrappedNix package
Open Source gaming platform for GNU/Linux
lyxNix package
WYSIWYM frontend for LaTeX, DocBook
makehumanNix package
Software to create realistic humans
maliit-frameworkNix package
Core libraries of Maliit and server
maliit-keyboardNix package
Virtual keyboard
masterpdfeditor4Nix package
Master PDF Editor - version 4, without watermark
mbutilNix package
Importer and exporter for MBTiles
mdzkNix package
Plain text Zettelkasten based on mdBook
mediaelchmediaelchNix package
Media Manager for Kodi
mediaelchmediaelch-qt6Nix package
Media Manager for Kodi
MeerK40tNix package
MeerK40t LaserCutter Software
michaboNix package
Native desktop app for Pleroma and Mastodon servers
mkgmapNix package
Create maps for Garmin GPS devices from OpenStreetMap (OSM) data
moolticuteNix package
GUI app and daemon to work with Mooltipass device via USB
mu-repoNix package
Tool to help in dealing with multiple git repositories
mwicNix package
Spell-checker that groups possible misspellings and shows them in their contexts
nimboNix package
Run machine learning jobs on AWS with a single command
nixnote2Nix package
Unofficial client of Evernote
Curses-based RPN calculator
XML documents and web site compiler
Stog plugin to include Asymptote results in documents
Stog plugin to use markdown syntax
olaNix package
Framework for controlling entertainment lighting equipment
openambitNix package
Helps fetch data from Suunto Ambit GPS watches
openbangla-keyboard-unstablefcitx5-openbangla-keyboardNix package
OpenSource, Unicode compliant Bengali Input Method
openbangla-keyboard-unstableibus-engines.openbangla-keyboardNix package
OpenSource, Unicode compliant Bengali Input Method
openbox-menuNix package
Dynamic XDG menu generator for Openbox
openbrf-unstableNix package
Tool to edit resource files (BRF)
opencpnNix package
Concise ChartPlotter/Navigator
opentrackNix package
Head tracking software for MS Windows, Linux, and Apple OSX
opentxNix package
OpenTX Companion transmitter support software
organicmapsNix package
Detailed Offline Maps for Travellers, Tourists, Hikers and Cyclists
osmscout-serverNix package
Maps server providing tiles, geocoder, and router
pagefindNix package
Generate low-bandwidth search index for your static website
parsec-binNix package
Remote streaming service client
pastelNix package
Command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors
pattypanNix package
Uploader for Wikimedia Commons
pdfpcNix package
Presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files
pdfsam-basicNix package
Multi-platform software designed to extract pages, split, merge, mix and rotate PDF files
pdfstudio2021Nix package
Easy to use, full-featured PDF editing software
pdfstudio2022Nix package
Easy to use, full-featured PDF editing software
pdfstudio2023Nix package
Easy to use, full-featured PDF editing software
pdfstudio2024Nix package
Easy to use, full-featured PDF editing software
pdfstudioviewerNix package
Easy to use, full-featured PDF editing software
pe-bearNix package
Portable Executable reversing tool with a friendly GUI
peaclockNix package
Clock, timer, and stopwatch for the terminal
pgmodelerNix package
Database modeling tool for PostgreSQL
Fork of the default volume plasmoid with a Windows 7 theme (vertical sliders)
KDE Plasma theme switcher
platerNix package
3D-printer parts placer and plate generator
playonlinuxNix package
GUI for managing Windows programs under linux
polychromaticNix package
Graphical front-end and tray applet for configuring Razer peripherals on GNU/Linux
Simple CLI pomodoro timer using desktop notifications written in Rust
projectlibreNix package
Project-Management Software similar to MS-Project
protonup-qtNix package
Install and manage Proton-GE and Luxtorpeda for Steam and Wine-GE for Lutris with this graphical u…
prusa-slicerNix package
G-code generator for 3D printer
pueueNix package
Daemon for managing long running shell commands
pure-mapsNix package
Display vector and raster maps, places, routes, and provide navigation instructions with a flexibl…
MeerK40t camera plugin
OpenSteno Plover stenography software
Application for managing recipes, planning meals, building shopping lists and much much more!
q4wineNix package
Qt GUI for Wine to manage prefixes and applications
qcadNix package
2D CAD package based on Qt
qelectrotechNix package
Free software to create electric diagrams
qlcplusNix package
Free and cross-platform software to control DMX or analog lighting systems like moving heads, dimm…
qMasterPasswordqMasterPasswordNix package
Stateless Master Password Manager
qMasterPasswordqMasterPassword-waylandNix package
Stateless Master Password Manager
qolibriNix package
EPWING reader for viewing Japanese dictionaries
qsudoNix package
Graphical sudo utility from Project Trident
qsyncthingtrayNix package
Traybar Application for Syncthing written in C++
Editor of tesseract-ocr box files
qt-video-wlrNix package
Qt pip-mode-like video player for wlroots-based wayland compositors
qtbitcointraderNix package
Bitcoin trading client
qtpassNix package
Multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager
razergenieNix package
Qt application for configuring your Razer devices under GNU/Linux