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Showing entries 1-69 out of 69.
kodivideo/kodiNix package categories
mpvvideo/mpvNix package categories
obs-studiovideo/obs-studioNix package categories
vdrvideo/vdrNix package categories
AniLibria cross platform desktop client
animdlNix package
Highly efficient, powerful and fast anime scraper
anime-downloaderNix package
Simple but powerful anime downloader and streamer
binoNix package
Video player with a focus on 3D and Virtual Reality
clipgrabNix package
Video downloader for YouTube and other sites
flircNix package
Use any Remote with your Media Center
glaxnimateNix package
Simple vector animation program
go2tvNix package
Cast media files to UPnP/DLNA Media Renderers and Smart TVs
go2tv-liteNix package
Cast media files to UPnP/DLNA Media Renderers and Smart TVs
gpacNix package
Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes
Screen recorder that has minimal impact on system performance by recording a window using the GPU …
GTK frontend for gpu-screen-recorder
gyroflowNix package
Advanced gyro-based video stabilization tool
harunaNix package
Open source video player built with Qt/QML and libmpv
hyperion.ngNix package
Opensource Bias or Ambient Lighting implementation
Jellyfin Desktop Client based on Plex Media Player
Allows casting of videos to MPV via the jellyfin mobile and web app
kaffeineNix package
KDE media player
kmplayerNix package
MPlayer front-end for KDE
kodikodiNix package
Media center
kodikodi-gbmNix package
Media center
kodikodi-waylandNix package
Media center
kodikodiGBMNix package
Media center
kodikodiPackages.kodiNix package
Media center
kodikodiPlainNix package
Media center
kodikodiPlainWaylandNix package
Media center
mapmapNix package
Open source video mapping software
mementoNix package
Mpv-based video player for studying Japanese
minitubeNix package
Stand-alone YouTube video player
mkvtoolnixmkvtoolnixNix package
Cross-platform tools for Matroska
mkvtoolnixmkvtoolnix-cliNix package
Cross-platform tools for Matroska
mlv-appNix package
All in one MLV processing app that is pretty great
mpc-qtNix package
Media Player Classic Qute Theater
mplayerNix package
Movie player that supports many video formats
mpvmpv-unwrappedNix package
General-purpose media player, fork of MPlayer and mplayer2
mpv-with-scriptsNix package
General-purpose media player, fork of MPlayer and mplayer2
mythtvNix package
Open Source DVR
natronNix package
Node-graph based, open-source compositing software
obs-studioobs-studioNix package
Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming
Professional open-source NLE video editor
openshot-qtNix package
Free, open-source video editor
perl5.40.0-pipe-viewergtk-pipe-viewerNix package
CLI+GUI YouTube Client
perl5.40.0-pipe-viewerpipe-viewerNix package
CLI+GUI YouTube Client
Streaming media player for Plex
plex-mpv-shimNix package
Allows casting of videos to MPV via the Plex mobile and web app
qarteNix package
Recorder for Arte TV Guide and Arte Concert
qctoolsNix package
Audiovisual analytics and filtering of video files
QMediathekViewNix package
Alternative Qt-based front-end for the database maintained by the MediathekView project
qstopmotionNix package
Create stopmotion animation with a (web)camera
Screen recorder for Linux
smtubeNix package
Play and download Youtube videos browser for Streamlink
tartubetartubeNix package
GUI front-end for youtube-dl
tartubetartube-yt-dlpNix package
GUI front-end for youtube-dl
vdrvdrNix package
Video Disc Recorder
DVB Frontend Status Monitor plugin for VDR
Plugin for VDR to access AVMs Fritz Box routers
VDR Text2Skin Plugin
VDR plugin to handle KODI clients
vdr-with-pluginsNix package
Video Disc Recorder (with plugins: )
vokoscreenNix package
Simple GUI screencast recorder, using ffmpeg
webcamoidNix package
Webcam Capture Software
youtube-tuiNix package
Aesthetically pleasing YouTube TUI written in Rust
yuviewNix package
YUV Viewer and Analysis Tool