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Showing entries 1-100 out of 178.
azaharNix package
An open-source 3DS emulator project based on Citra
azeret-monoNix package
Azeret Mono
azimuthNix package
Metroidvania game using only vectorial graphic
azmq-unstableNix package
C++ language binding library integrating ZeroMQ with Boost Asio
azpainterNix package
Full color painting software for illustration drawing
azukiNix package
Azuki Font
Azure Artifacts Credential Provider
azure-cliNix package
Next generation multi-platform command line experience for Azure
Command line tools for Azure Functions
New Azure Storage data transfer utility - AzCopy v10
azuredatastudioNix package
Data management tool that enables working with SQL Server, Azure SQL DB and SQL DW
azurehoundNix package
Azure Data Exporter for BloodHound
azuriteNix package
An open source Azure Storage API compatible server
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Acat Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SubscriptionClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AcrQuery Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Acrtransfer Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DomainServicesResourceProvider
Manage Azure Enhanced Monitoring Extensions for SAP
Add AI powered examples to help content
Provides a preview for upcoming AKS features
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools HybridContainerService Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ALB Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AlertsManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Azure Managed Grafana Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Amlfs Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ApicExtension Extension
Support for managing Application Insights components and querying metrics, events, and logs from s…
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools App Service on Kubernetes Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Arcgateway Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Astronomer Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Authv2 Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Automanage Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AutomationClient Extension
Tools for managing Azure DevOps
Manage Azure Firewall resources
The Azure IoT extension for Azure CLI
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Azurelargeinstance Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureStackHCI Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools BaremetalInfrastructure Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Bastion Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools BillingBenefits Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Blueprint Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ChangeAnalysis Extension
Translate ARM template to executable Azure CLI scripts
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Confidential Container Security Policy Generator Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ConfidentialLedger Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ConfluentManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ConnectedMachine Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Connectedvmware Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Containerapp Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cosmosdb-preview Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools CostManagementClient Extension
Manage Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Custom Providers Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Customlocation Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Databox Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DatabricksClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MicrosoftDatadogClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DataFactoryManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DataMigrationManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DataProtectionClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DataShareManagementClient Extension
Deploy to Azure using Github Actions
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Desktopvirtualization Extension
Dev Spaces provides a rapid, iterative Kubernetes development experience for teams
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DevCenter Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StoragePoolManagement Extension
Support for new Database Migration Service scenarios
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Dnc Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DnsResolverManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Durabletask Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Dynatrace Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools EdgeOrderManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Edgezones Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MicrosoftElastic Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ElasticSan Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools EventGrid Command Module
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ExpressRouteCrossConnection
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Firmwareanalysis Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Fleet Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools FluidRelay Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools FootprintMonitoringManagementClient Extension
Manage networking Front Doors
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools fzf Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools GalleryServiceArtifact Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Graphservices Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools GuestConfigurationClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Hack Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureDedicatedHSMResourceProvider Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Hdinsightonaks Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools HealthbotClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools HealthcareApisManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StorageCache Extension
Support for copying managed vm images between regions
Support for Azure Image Gallery
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StorageImportExport Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Informatica Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Init Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Internet Analyzer Extension