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Showing entries 101-178 out of 178.
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools IpGroup Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools K8s-extension Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools K8sRuntime Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools KustoManagementClient Extension
Support for Azure Log Analytics query capabilities
Support for Azure Log Analytics Solution
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Logic Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MaintenanceManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Managedccfs Extension
Support for managednetworkfabric commands based on 2024-02-15-preview API version
Support for Management Partner preview
Microsoft Connected Cache CLI Commands
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Mdp Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Microsoft Fabric Extension
Mixed Reality Azure CLI Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MobileNetwork Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MonitorClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MonitorPipelineGroup Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MulticloudConnector Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Neon Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools NetworkAnalytics Extension
Support for Azure Operator Nexus network cloud commands based on 2024-10-01-preview API version
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools NewRelic Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Next Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Nginx Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Notification Hub Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Nsp Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureMigrateV2 Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools OracleDatabase Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Orbital Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PaloAltoNetworks Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PeeringManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PlaywrightCliExtension Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Portal Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PowerBIDedicated Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ProviderHub Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PurviewManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Quantum Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Qumulo Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureQuotaExtensionAPI Extension
Support for testing connection to Azure Database for MySQL & PostgreSQL servers
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools RedisEnterprise Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Reservation Extension
Support for querying Azure resources with Resource Graph
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ResourceMoverServiceAPI Extension
Additional commands for working with SAP HanaOnAzure instances
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Scenario Guidance Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Scheduled_query Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SCVMM Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SelfHelp Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Sentinel Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SiteRecovery Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools spring Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools spring-cloud Extension
SSH into Azure VMs using RBAC and AAD OpenSSH Certificates
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureStackHCIClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Stack-HCi-VM Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Standbypool Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Staticwebapp Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StorageActions Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Storage-blob-preview Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StorageMover Extension
Provides a preview for upcoming storage features
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MicrosoftStorageSync Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StreamAnalyticsManagementClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Subscription Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Support Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Terraform Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools TimeSeriesInsightsClient Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools TrafficCollector Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Trustedsigning Extension
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools NetworkManagementClient Extension
Manage virtual network taps (VTAP)
Manage virtual WAN, hubs, VPN gateways and VPN sites
Support for repairing Azure Virtual Machines
Azure VMware Solution commands
Additional commands for Azure AppService
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Workloads Extension