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Showing entries 1-100 out of 261.
ccatNix package
Utility to copy project tree contents to clipboard
coanNix package
C preprocessor chainsaw
cobangNix package
QR code scanner desktop app for Linux
cobra-cliNix package
Cobra CLI tool to generate applications and commands
coc-clangdcoc-clangdNix package
Clangd extension for coc.nvim
coc-clangdnodePackages.coc-clangdNix package
Clangd extension for coc.nvim
coc-clangdnodePackages_latest.coc-clangdNix package
Clangd extension for coc.nvim
coc-csscoc-cssNix package
Css language server extension for coc.nvim
coc-cssnodePackages.coc-cssNix package
Css language server extension for coc.nvim
coc-cssnodePackages_latest.coc-cssNix package
Css language server extension for coc.nvim
coc-diagnosticcoc-diagnosticNix package
Diagnostic-languageserver extension for coc.nvim
coc-diagnosticnodePackages.coc-diagnosticNix package
Diagnostic-languageserver extension for coc.nvim
coc-diagnosticnodePackages_latest.coc-diagnosticNix package
Diagnostic-languageserver extension for coc.nvim
coc-pyrightcoc-pyrightNix package
Pyright extension for coc.nvim
coc-pyrightnodePackages.coc-pyrightNix package
Pyright extension for coc.nvim
coc-pyrightnodePackages_latest.coc-pyrightNix package
Pyright extension for coc.nvim
cockpitNix package
Web-based graphical interface for servers
cockroachdbcockroachdbNix package
Scalable, survivable, strongly-consistent SQL database
cockroachdbcockroachdb-binNix package
Scalable, survivable, strongly-consistent SQL database
coconutbatteryNix package
Standard for battery reading since 2005
codNix package
Tool for generating Bash/Fish/Zsh autocompletions based on --help output
code-maatNix package
Command line tool to mine and analyze data from version-control systems
code-minimapNix package
High performance code minimap render
code2promptNix package
A CLI tool that converts your codebase into a single LLM prompt with a source tree, prompt templat…
codeberg-cliNix package
CLI Tool for Codeberg similar to gh and glab
codeberg-pagesNix package
Static websites hosting from Gitea repositories
codeblocksNix package
Open source, cross platform, free C, C++ and Fortran IDE
codeblocks-fullNix package
Open source, cross platform, free C, C++ and Fortran IDE
codebraidNix package
Live code in Pandoc Markdown
codec2Nix package
Speech codec designed for communications quality speech at low data rates
codecheckerNix package
Analyzer tooling, defect database and viewer extension for the Clang Static Analyzer and Clang Tid…
codecrafters-cliNix package
CodeCrafters CLI to run tests
codefreshNix package
Codefresh CLI tool to interact with Codefresh services
codeiumNix package
Codeium language server
codemov-unstableNix package
Create a video of how a git repository's code changes over time
codeownersNix package
CLI and Go library for Github's CODEOWNERS file
codeqlNix package
Semantic code analysis engine
codesearchNix package
Fast, indexed regexp search over large file trees
codespellNix package
Fix common misspellings in source code
codespelunkerNix package
Command code search tool
codevisNix package
Tool to take all source code in a folder and render them to one image
coduxNix package
Visual IDE for React
coercerNix package
Tool to automatically coerce a Windows server
coeurlNix package
Simple async wrapper around CURL for C++
coffeegrindsizeNix package
Detects the individual coffee grounds in a white-background picture to determine particle size dis…
coffeescriptcoffeescriptNix package
Little language that compiles into JavaScript package
Little language that compiles into JavaScript package
Little language that compiles into JavaScript
cogNix package
Small single “window” launcher for the WebKit WPE port
coinNix package
High-level, retained-mode toolkit for effective 3D graphics development
coinmpcoinmpNix package
COIN-OR lightweight API for COIN-OR libraries CLP, CBC, and CGL
coinmpCoinMPNix package
COIN-OR lightweight API for COIN-OR libraries CLP, CBC, and CGL
cointopNix package
Fastest and most interactive terminal based UI application for tracking cryptocurrencies
coinutilsNix package
Collection of classes and helper functions that are generally useful to multiple COIN-OR projects
Colemak mod for more comfortable typing
colimaNix package
Container runtimes with minimal setup
collabora-onlineNix package
Collaborative online office suite based on LibreOffice technology
Command-line tool to convert COLLADA (.dae) files to glTF
collapseos-cvmNix package
Virtual machine for Collapse OS (Forth operating system)
collectorNix package
Drag multiple files and folders on to Collection window, drop them anywhere!
Modern and clean Gtk theme
Colloid icon theme
colmNix package
Programming language for the analysis and transformation of computer languages
colmenaNix package
Simple, stateless NixOS deployment tool
colobotNix package
Colobot: Gold Edition is a real-time strategy game, where you can program your bots
coloquinteNix package
Placement library for electronic circuits
colordNix package
System service to manage, install and generate color profiles to accurately color manage input and…
colord-gtkcolord-gtkNix package
colord-gtkcolord-gtk4Nix package
colordiffNix package
Wrapper for 'diff' that produces the same output but with pretty 'syntax' highlighting
colorgrindNix package
Perl wrapper for Valgrind with ANSI escape code colored output
colorized-logsNix package
Tools for logs with ANSI color
colorlessNix package
Enable colorised command output and pipe it to less
colormakeNix package
Simple wrapper around make to colorize the output
colorpanesNix package
Panes in the 8 bright terminal colors with shadows of the respective darker color
colorstormNix package
Color theme generator for editors and terminal emulators
colort-unstableNix package
Program for 'tinting' color values
colorzNix package
Color scheme generator
ColPackNix package
Package comprising of implementations of algorithms for vertex coloring and derivative computation
colstrNix package
Deterministically output each input argument in a color assigned to it
coltraneNix package
Music calculation library/CLI
Data for Combinatorial Designs
comedilibNix package
Linux Control and Measurement Device Interface Library
comet-gogNix package
Open Source implementation of GOG Galaxy's Communication Service
Clean and modern font suitable for headings and logos
comic-mono-fontNix package
Legible monospace font that looks like Comic Sans
comic-neueNix package
Casual type face: Make your lemonade stand look like a fortune 500 company
comic-reliefNix package
Font metric-compatible with Microsoft Comic Sans
comixcursorsNix package
Comix Cursors mouse themes
commaNix package
Runs programs without installing them
commafeedNix package
Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader
commandergeniusNix package
Modern Interpreter for the Commander Keen Games
commitNix package
Commit message editor
commit-formatterNix package
CLI tool to help you write git commit
commit-monoNix package
Anonymous and neutral programming typeface focused on creating a better reading experience
commitizen-goNix package
Command line utility to standardize git commit messages, golang version
commitlint-rsNix package
Lint commit messages with conventional commit messages
commitmsgfmtNix package
Formats commit messages better than fmt(1) and Vim
committedNix package
Nitpicking commit history since beabf39
commixNix package
Automated Command Injection Exploitation Tool