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Showing entries 201-299 out of 299.
convcoNix package
Conventional commit cli
converseenNix package
Batch image converter and resizer
convertlitNix package
Tool for converting Microsoft Reader ebooks to more open formats
convfontNix package
Converts font for use with FontLibC
convimgNix package
Image palette quantization
convmvNix package
Converts filenames from one encoding to another
cook-cliNix package
Suite of tools to create shopping lists and maintain recipes
cook-frameworkNix package
Wordlist generator, splitter, merger, finder, saver for security researchers, bug bounty and hacke…
Contemporary sans serif, with characters composed of modified-geometric curves and arches
coordgenlibsNix package
Schrodinger-developed 2D Coordinate Generation
coostNix package
Tiny boost library in C++11
copaceticNix package
Tool for directly patching vulnerabilities in container images
copierNix package
Library and command-line utility for rendering projects templates
copilot-cliNix package
Build, Release and Operate Containerized Applications on AWS
Use GitHub Copilot with any editor or IDE via the Language Server Protocol
Copilot Node.js server
copperNix package
Simple imperative language, statically typed with type inference and genericity
coppwrNix package
Low level control GUI for the PipeWire multimedia server
copyright-updateNix package
Updates the copyright information in a set of files
copywriteNix package
Automate copyright headers and license files at scale
coq2htmlNix package
HTML documentation generator for Coq source files
cordlessNix package
Discord terminal client
cordovacordovaNix package
Build native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
cordovanodePackages.cordovaNix package
Build native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
cordovanodePackages_latest.cordovaNix package
Build native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
corectrlNix package
Control your computer hardware via application profiles
corednsNix package
DNS server that runs middleware
corefontsNix package
Microsoft's TrueType core fonts for the Web
coreradNix package
Extensible and observable IPv6 NDP RA daemon
corethNix package
Code and wrapper to extract Ethereum blockchain functionalities without network/consensus, for bui…
corkscrewNix package
Tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies
corootNix package
Open-source APM & Observability tool
Prometheus exporter based on eBPF
corosyncNix package
Group Communication System with features for implementing high availability within applications
corrosionNix package
Tool for integrating Rust into an existing CMake project
corrscopeNix package
Render wave files into oscilloscope views, featuring advanced correlation-based triggering algorit…
corrupterNix package
Simple image glitcher suitable for producing lockscreens
corsix-thNix package
Reimplementation of the 1997 Bullfrog business sim Theme Hospital
cortoNix package
Mesh compression library, designed for rendering and speed
cosmic-appletsNix package
Applets for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
Application Template for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-bgNix package
Applies Background for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-compNix package
Compositor for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
Design Demo for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-editNix package
Text Editor for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
Calculator for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-ext-ctlNix package
CLI for COSMIC Desktop configuration management
Tweaking tool for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-filesNix package
File Manager for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-greeterNix package
Greeter for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-iconsNix package
System76 Cosmic icon theme for Linux
cosmic-idleNix package
Idle daemon for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-launcherNix package
Launcher for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
Notifications for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-osdNix package
OSD for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-panelNix package
Panel for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-playerNix package
Media player for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-protocolsNix package
Additional wayland-protocols used by the COSMIC desktop environment
cosmic-randrNix package
Library and utility for displaying and configuring Wayland outputs
Screenshot tool for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-sessionNix package
Session manager for the COSMIC desktop environment
cosmic-settingsNix package
Settings for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
Settings Daemon for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-storeNix package
App Store for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmic-termNix package
Terminal for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
Wallpapers for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
Workspaces Epoch for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
cosmoccNix package
Compilers for Cosmopolitan C/C++ programs
cosmopolitanNix package
Your build-once run-anywhere c library
COSTANix package
Distributed Communication-Optimal Shuffle and Transpose Algorithm
cotpNix package
Trustworthy, encrypted, command-line TOTP/HOTP authenticator app with import functionality
coturnNix package
TURN server
couchbase-shellNix package
Shell for Couchbase Server and Cloud
coulrNix package
Color box to help developers and designers
countryfetchNix package
Command-line tool similar to Neofetch for obtaining information about your country
countryguessNix package
Guess the 193 U.N. recognised countries
Monospaced font designed specifically for screenplays
courier-unicodeNix package
The Courier Unicode Library is used by most other Courier packages
coursera-dlNix package
CLI for downloading videos and naming them
coursierNix package
Scala library to fetch dependencies from Maven / Ivy repositories
cov-buildNix package
Coverity Scan build tools
cowpattyNix package
Offline dictionary attack against WPA/WPA2 networks
cowsayNix package
Program which generates ASCII pictures of a cow with a message
cowsqlNix package
Embeddable, replicated and fault tolerant SQL engine
coyimNix package
Safe and secure chat client
cozNix package
Profiler based on casual profiling
cozeNix package
CLI client for Coze, a cryptographic JSON messaging specification
cozetteNix package
Bitmap programming font optimized for coziness
cozyNix package
Modern audio book player for Linux
cozydriveNix package
Cozy Drive is a synchronization tool for your files and folders with Cozy Cloud
ctlNix package
Programming language for digital color management
cursorNix package
AI-powered code editor built on vscode
perl5.38.2-copeNix package
A colourful wrapper for terminal programs
Convos is the simplest way to use IRC in your browser
Clangd extension for coc.nvim
Css language server extension for coc.nvim
Diagnostic-languageserver extension for coc.nvim
Pyright extension for coc.nvim
Toml extension for coc.nvim