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Showing entries 401-500 out of 944.
libmcfpNix package
Header only library that can collect configuration options from command line arguments
libmcryptNix package
Replacement for the old crypt() package and crypt(1) command, with extensions
libmdNix package
Message Digest functions from BSD systems
libmediaartNix package
Library tasked with managing, extracting and handling media art caches
libmediainfoNix package
Shared library for mediainfo
libmemcachedNix package
Open source C/C++ client library and tools for the memcached server
libmesodeNix package
Fork of libstrophe ( for use with Profanity XMPP Client
libmicrodnsNix package
Minimal mDNS resolver library, used by VLC
libmilterNix package
Sendmail Milter mail filtering API library
libmincNix package
Medical imaging library based on HDF5
libmkvNix package
Abandoned library
libmmsNix package
Library for downloading (streaming) media files using the mmst and mmsh protocols
libmngNix package
Reference library for reading, displaying, writing and examining Multiple-Image Network Graphics
libmnlNix package
Minimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers
libmodbusNix package
Library to send/receive data according to the Modbus protocol
libmodplugNix package
MOD playing library
libmoduleNix package
C simple and elegant implementation of an actor library
libmodulemdlibmodulemdNix package
C Library for manipulating module metadata files
libmodulemdpython312Packages.libmodulemdNix package
C Library for manipulating module metadata files
libmodulemdpython313Packages.libmodulemdNix package
C Library for manipulating module metadata files
libmongocryptNix package
Required C library for client-side and queryable encryption in MongoDB
libmowgliNix package
Development framework for C providing high performance and highly flexible algorithms
libmp3spltNix package
Utility to split mp3, ogg vorbis and FLAC files without decoding
libmpackNix package
Simple implementation of msgpack in C
libmpcNix package
Library for multiprecision complex arithmetic with exact rounding
libmpcdecNix package
Musepack SV7 decoder library
libmpdNix package
Higher level access to MPD functions
libmpdclientNix package
Client library for MPD (music player daemon)
libmpeg2Nix package
Free library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams
libmrssNix package
C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS/ATOM files or streams
libmsgraphNix package
Library to access MS Graph API for Office 365
libmspackNix package
De/compression library for various Microsoft formats
libmsquicNix package
Cross-platform, C implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol, exposed to C, C++, C# and Rust
libmsymNix package
Molecular point group symmetry lib
libmtpNix package
Implementation of Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol
libmwawNix package
Import library for some old mac text documents
libmypaintNix package
Library for making brushstrokes which is used by MyPaint and other projects
libmysofaNix package
Reader for AES SOFA files to get better HRTFs
C++ library for connecting to mysql servers
libnaboNix package
Fast K Nearest Neighbor library for low-dimensional spaces
libnatpmpNix package
NAT-PMP client
libnatsNix package
C API for the NATS messaging system
libnatspecNix package
Library intended to smooth national specificities in using of programs
libnbdlibnbdNix package
Network Block Device client library in userspace
libnbdocamlPackages.nbdNix package
Network Block Device client library in userspace
libnbdpython312Packages.libnbdNix package
Network Block Device client library in userspace
libnbdpython313Packages.libnbdNix package
Network Block Device client library in userspace
libndctlNix package
Tools for managing the Linux Non-Volatile Memory Device sub-system
libndpNix package
Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol
Dynamic types for data description and in-memory computations
libnest2dNix package
2D irregular bin packaging and nesting library written in modern C++
libnetNix package
Portable framework for low-level network packet construction
Userspace library providing interface to extended accounting infrastructure
Userspace library providing an API to the in-kernel connection tracking state table
Userspace library that provides the programming interface to the user-space connection tracking he…
Userspace library that provides the programming interface to the connection tracking timeout infra…
libnetfilter_logNix package
Userspace library providing interface to packets that have been logged by the kernel packet filter
Userspace API to packets queued by the kernel packet filter
libnfcNix package
Library for Near Field Communication (NFC)
libnfc-nciNix package
Linux NFC stack for NCI based NXP NFC Controllers
libnfnetlinkNix package
Low-level library for netfilter related kernel/userspace communication
libnfsNix package
NFS client library
libnftnlNix package
Userspace library providing a low-level netlink API to the in-kernel nf_tables subsystem
High level HTTP/2 C++ library
libngspiceNix package
Next Generation Spice (Electronic Circuit Simulator)
libniceNix package
GLib ICE implementation
libnickNix package
Cross-platform development base for native Nickvision applications
libnidsNix package
E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System which emulates the IP stack of Linux 2.0.x
libnitrokeyNix package
Communicate with Nitrokey devices in a clean and easy manner
XML-based Nix-friendly data integration library
libnlNix package
Linux Netlink interface library suite
Tiny OpenWrt fork of libnl
libnoiseNix package
Portable, open-source, coherent noise-generating library for C++
libnotifyNix package
Library that sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon
libnovaNix package
Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics Library
libnslNix package
Client interface library for NIS(YP) and NIS+
libnss-mysqlNix package
MySQL module for the Solaris Nameservice Switch (NSS)
libnss_nisNix package
NSS module for glibc, to provide NIS support for glibc
libnut-unstableNix package
Library to read/write the NUT video container format
NVIDIA container runtime library
libnvmeNix package
C Library for NVM Express on Linux
libnxmlNix package
C library for parsing, writing and creating XML 1.0 and 1.1 files or streams
liboauthNix package
C library implementing the OAuth secure authentication protocol
libodbNix package
Common ODB runtime library
libodb-sqliteNix package
SQLite ODB runtime library
libodfgenNix package
Base library for generating ODF documents
libofaNix package
Library Open Fingerprint Architecture
libofxNix package
Opensource implementation of the Open Financial eXchange specification
liboggNix package
Media container library to manipulate Ogg files
liboggzNix package
C library and tools for manipulating with Ogg files and streams
liboilNix package
Library of simple functions that are optimized for various CPUs
libomemo-cNix package
Fork of libsignal-protocol-c adding support for OMEMO XEP-0384 0.5.0+
Opensource implementation of the Khronos OpenMAX Integration Layer API to access multimedia compon…
libopenaptxNix package
Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX)
Library allowing Optional async readback OpenGL frame buffer with optional audio recording
Libmodplug emulation layer based on libopenmpt
libopenrawNix package
RAW camerafile decoding library
libopensmtpdNix package
Library for creating OpenSMTPD filters
libopingNix package
C library to generate ICMP echo requests (a.k.a. ping packets)
libopusNix package
Open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec