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Showing entries 1-100 out of 1027.
reason-nativeNix package-set
Software system for writing extensible parsers for programming languages
CommonMark parser and renderer for OCaml
OCaml module for the declarative definition of command line interfaces
cmdlinercmdliner_1_0Nix package
OCaml module for the declarative definition of command line interfaces
libnbdNix package
Network Block Device client library in userspace
Bindings for libmagic
OCaml bindings for Augeas
ISO 8601 and RFC 3999 date parsing for OCaml
OCaml bindings for libvirt
OCaml bindings distributed with LLVM
Bindings for interacting with MySQL databases from ocaml
Configure, build and install system for OCaml projects
Applicative events and signals for OCaml
OCaml module to decode the data of the Unicode character database from its XML representation
A small library describing abstract algebra concepts
A library that makes it nicer to work with nested functional data structures
Accessors for Async types, for use with the Accessor library
Accessors for Base types, for use with the Accessor library
Accessors for Core types, for use with the Accessor library
Caches (bounded-size stores) for in-memory values and for resources
Caches (bounded-size stores) for Lwt promises
Persistent-mode afl-fuzz for ocaml
Lightweight and colourful test framework
Lwt-based helpers for Alcotest
Mirage implementation for Alcotest
Reusable Effects-Based Components
OCaml interface for libasound2
OCaml parser combinators built for speed and memory efficiency
Async support for Angstrom
Lwt_unix support for Angstrom
Unix support for Angstrom
Module allowing to use the colors and cursor movements on ANSI terminals
OCaml bindings for libao
Numerical abstract domain library
Bash completion support for OCaml Stdlib
Address Resolution Protocol purely in OCaml
Library for constructing and printing compiler diagnostics
Combinators for expressing ASN.1 grammars in OCaml
Alternative String module for OCaml
Monadic concurrency library
Durable connections for use with async
Monadic concurrency library
Directory traversal with Async
Async wrapper for inotify
Utilities for building simple command-line based user interfaces
A small library that provide Async support for JavaScript platforms
Monadic concurrency library
Logging library built on top of Async_unix
Platform-independent core of Async RPC library
Library to serve and dispatch Async RPCs over websockets
Thin wrapper around [Linux_ext.sendfile] to send full files
Shell helpers for Async
SMTP client and server
Async wrappers for SSL
Monadic concurrency library
A library that implements the websocket protocol on top of Async
Syntax for cross-language type definitions
Generates efficient JSON serializers, deserializers and validators
Runtime for atdgen generated bucklescript converters
Runtime library for code generated by atdgen
SSH implementation in OCaml
SSH implementation in OCaml
Software construction and deployment kit
A library for defining Rpcs that can evolve over time without breaking backward compatibility
Exponential backoff mechanism for OCaml
Platform for binary analysis
Full standard library replacement for OCaml
Base64 encoding and decoding in OCaml
String type based on [Bigarray], for use in I/O and C-bindings
Randomized testing framework, designed for compatibility with Base
Trie data structure library
OCaml Batteries Included
Quick implementation of a Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) library for OCaml
Benchmark running times of code
OCaml binary heap implementation by Jean-Christophe Filliatre
A library for bidirectional maps and multimaps
Compatibility library to use Stdlib
Minimal library to know that 2 bigarray share physically the same memory or not
Core-flavoured wrapper around zarith's arbitrary-precision rationals
Bigstring built on top of bigarrays, and convenient functions
Bigstring intrinsics and fast blits based on memcpy/memmove
A binary protocol generator
Efficient binder representation in Ocaml
Binary data format designed for speed, safety, ease of use and backward compatibility as protocols…
Datastructure to accumulate values in bins
Bioinformatics library for Ocaml
Toolkit for bioinformatics in OCaml
Bisect_ppx is a code coverage tool for OCaml and Reason
Build and execute typed scientific workflows
This library adds Erlang-style bitstrings and matching over bitstrings as a syntax extension and l…
Bit vector library for OCaml
Blocking API for the jack audio connection kit
Implementation of BLS12-381 and some cryptographic primitives built on top of it
Functors to generate BLS12-381 primitives based on stubs
ocaml5.2.1-bls12bls12-381-signatureNix package
Implementation of BLS signatures for the pairing-friendly curve BLS12-381
A library for building dynamic webapps, using Js_of_ocaml
Basic OS interaction for OCaml
React.js-like reconciler implemented in OCaml/Reason