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Showing entries 1-100 out of 150.
moNix package
Moustache templates for Bash
moarNix package
Nice-to-use pager for humans
mobNix package
Tool for smooth git handover
Mobile broadband service provider database
User-friendly desktop wallet with support for transaction history, encrypted contact book, gift co…
mobrouteNix package
General purpose public transportation router based on GTFS
mobsqlNix package
GTFS to SQLite import utility
mochiNix package
Simple markdown-powered SRS app
mockgenNix package
GoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language
mockobjectsNix package
Generic unit testing framework and methodology for testing any kind of code
mockoonNix package
Easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally
modNix package
Automated Semantic Import Versioning Upgrades for Go
LV2 arpeggiator
Analog distortion emulation lv2 plugins
modd-unstableNix package
Flexible developer tool that runs processes and responds to filesystem changes
modelscanNix package
Protection against Model Serialization Attacks
App to send/receive SMS, make USSD requests, control mobile data usage and more
modemmanagerNix package
WWAN modem manager, part of NetworkManager
modern-cpp-kafkaNix package
C++ API for Kafka clients (i.e. KafkaProducer, KafkaConsumer, AdminClient)
modprobed-dbNix package
Useful utility for users wishing to build a minimal kernel via a make localmodconfig
modrinth-appNix package
Modrinth's game launcher
Modrinth's game launcher
modsNix package
AI on the command line
modsecurityNix package
Open source, cross-platform web application firewall (WAF)
modsecurity-crsNix package
The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set is a set of generic attack detection rules for use with ModSec…
moeNix package
Small, 8-bit clean editor
mojave-gtk-themeNix package
Mac OSX Mojave like theme for GTK based desktop environments
Icon theme designed with a minimal flat style using simple geometry and bright colours
mokuroNix package
Read Japanese manga inside browser with selectable text
mokutilNix package
Utility to manipulate machines owner keys
moldNix package
Faster drop-in replacement for existing Unix linkers (unwrapped)
moldenNix package
Display and manipulate molecular structures
moleNix package
CLI application to create SSH tunnels
Full-featured Gemini server
molly-guardNix package
Attempts to prevent you from accidentally shutting down or rebooting machines
mollysocketNix package
Get Signal notifications via UnifiedPush
molot-liteNix package
Stereo and mono audio signal dynamic range compressor in LV2 format
molotovNix package
French TV service
Flexible Linux input device translator, geared for gamepads
MoltenVKdarwin.moltenvkNix package
Vulkan Portability implementation built on top of Apple’s Metal API
MoltenVKmoltenvkNix package
Vulkan Portability implementation built on top of Apple’s Metal API
mommyNix package
Mommy's here to support you, in any shell, on any system~ ❤️
mona-sansNix package
Variable font from GitHub
monadoNix package
Open source XR runtime
Vulkan Layers for Monado
monaspaceNix package
Innovative superfamily of fonts for code
monetdbNix package
Open source database system
moneydanceNix package
Easy to use and full-featured personal finance app that doesn't compromise your privacy
mongo-toolsNix package
Tools for the MongoDB
mongoauditNix package
MongoDB auditing and pentesting tool
mongoclibbsonNix package
Official C client library for MongoDB
mongocmongocNix package
Official C client library for MongoDB
mongodb-ceNix package
MongoDB is a general purpose, document-based, distributed database
mongodb-compassNix package
GUI for MongoDB
mongooseNix package
Graph Coarsening and Partitioning Library
mongoshNix package
MongoDB Shell
monicaNix package
Personal CRM
monitNix package
Monitoring system
MonitorControlNix package
MacOS system extension to control brightness and volume of external displays with native OSD
monitoretsNix package
Simple and quick view at the usage of your computer resources
monitoring-pluginsmonitoring-pluginsNix package
Official monitoring plugins for Nagios/Icinga/Sensu and others
monitoring-pluginsnagiosPluginsOfficialNix package
Official monitoring plugins for Nagios/Icinga/Sensu and others
monkeys-audiomacNix package
APE codec and decompressor
monkeys-audiomonkeysAudioNix package
APE codec and decompressor
monkeysphereNix package
Leverage the OpenPGP web of trust for SSH and TLS authentication
mono-addinsNix package
Generic framework for creating extensible applications
mono-dll-fixerNix package
monocraftNix package
Programming font based on the typeface used in Minecraft
monocypherNix package
Boring crypto that simply works
monoidNix package
Customisable coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning
mononokiNix package
Font for programming and code review
monophonyNix package
Linux app for streaming music from YouTube
monosatNix package
SMT solver for Monotonic Theories
mons-unstableNix package
POSIX Shell script to quickly manage 2-monitors display
monsoonNix package
Fast HTTP enumerator
montserratNix package
Geometric sans serif font with extended latin support (Regular, Alternates, Subrayada)
moodle-dlNix package
Moodle downloader that downloads course content fast from Moodle
moon-buggyNix package
Simple character graphics game where you drive some kind of car across the moon's surface
moon-phasesNix package
Command-line/WM bar tool to display the moon phase at a certain date
moonfire-nvrNix package
Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder
moonlightNix package
Discord client modification, focused on enhancing user and developer experience
Open source implementation of NVIDIA's GameStream
moonlight-qtNix package
Play your PC games on almost any device
moonpalaceNix package
An API debugging tool provided by Moonshot AI
moonrakerNix package
API web server for Klipper
moosefsNix package
Open Source, Petabyte, Fault-Tolerant, Highly Performing, Scalable Network Distributed File System
Variable reverb audio effect, jack and lv2
mopNix package
Simple stock tracker implemented in go
mopacNix package
Semiempirical quantum chemistry
moproxyNix package
Transparent TCP to SOCKSv5/HTTP proxy on Linux written in Rust
moqNix package
Interface mocking tool for go generate
moralerspaceNix package
Composite font of Monaspace and IBM Plex Sans JP
moralerspace-hwNix package
Composite font of Monaspace and IBM Plex Sans JP
Composite font of Monaspace and IBM Plex Sans JP
Composite font of Monaspace and IBM Plex Sans JP
Composite font of Monaspace and IBM Plex Sans JP
moralerspace-nfNix package
Composite font of Monaspace and IBM Plex Sans JP
Adwaita style extra icons theme for Gnome Shell
morfNix package
Offensive mobile security tool designed to identify and address sensitive information
morgenNix package
All-in-one Calendars, Tasks and Scheduler