Showing entries 101-150 out of 150.
NixOS host manager written in Golang
Convert your documents
Command line tool to translate morse code input to text in real time
Privacy aware web content sanitizer proxy as a service
Smooths scrolling and set mouse scroll directions independently
Fast BAM/CRAM depth calculation for WGS, exome, or targeted sequencing
Modular, pluggable DNS forwarder
Clean, friendly gtk-based serial terminal for the gnome desktop
Mobile shell (ssh replacement)
Light-weight implementation of Standard ML
Open source MQTT v3.1/3.1.1/5.0 broker
Terminal pager similar to 'more' and 'less'
Unix standard widget-toolkit and window-manager
Monitors the video signal from cameras
MOnado Tracking Origin Calibration program
Full-featured download manager
FUSE file system for ZIP archives
Mount server and cloud storage as a disk on macOS and Windows
Simple, high-throughput file client for mounting an Amazon S3 bucket as a local file system
Identify any songs in seconds
Beautiful and lightweight weather app based on Python and GTK4
Execute commands from mouse events such as clicks/wheel on the side/corners of the screen, or draw…
Mouse event based command executor, a mix between Easystroke and Comiz edge commands
Control various Redragon gaming mice from Linux, BSD and Haiku
Cursor manager for macOS built using private, nonintrusive CoreGraphics APIs
Provides mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop
Toy binary to illustrate adding a mount beneath an existing mount
Federated blogging & chat platform that acts as a web front end for the XMPP protocol
Migration manager written in Rust, that attempts to be smart yet minimal
High-performance, high-quality video filters for the GPU
Modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email
Tmux session manager with a modular configuration
Japanese input method from Google
Japanese input method from Google
Mozc UT Alt-Cannadic Dictionary is a dictionary converted from Alt-Cannadic for Mozc
Mozc UT EDICT2 Dictionary is a dictionary converted from EDICT2 for Mozc
Mozc UT Jawiki Dictionary is a dictionary generated from the Japanese Wikipedia for Mozc
Mozc UT NEologd Dictionary is a dictionary converted from mecab-ipadic-NEologd for Mozc
Mozc UT Personal Name Dictionary is a dictionary for Mozc
Mozc UT Place Name Dictionary is a dictionary converted from the Japan Post's ZIP code data for Mo…
Mozc UT SKK-JISYO Dictionary is a dictionary converted from SKK-JISYO for Mozc
Mozc UT SudachiDict Dictionary is a dictionary converted from SudachiDict for Mozc
Client for the Mozilla VPN service
Mozilla JPEG Encoder Project
MozLz4a compression/decompression utility
Phabricator CLI from Mozilla to support submission of a series of commits
Phabricator CLI from Mozilla to support submission of a series of commits
Cli tool to browse and watch movies