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Showing entries 1-24 out of 24.
pcNix package
Programmer's calculator
pcalcNix package
Programmer's calculator
pcapcNix package
Compile libpcap filter expressions into BPF opcodes
pcapfixNix package
Repair your broken pcap and pcapng files
pcaudiolibNix package
Provides a C API to different audio devices
pcbNix package
Printed Circuit Board editor
pcb2gcodeNix package
Command-line tool for isolation, routing and drilling of PCBs
pcemNix package
Emulator for IBM PC computers and clones
pcg-cNix package
Family of better random number generators
pcimem-unstableNix package
Simple method of reading and writing to memory registers on a PCI card
pclNix package
Open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing
pcloudNix package
Secure and simple to use cloud storage for your files; pCloud Drive, Electron Edition
pcmNix package
Processor counter monitor
pcmanfmNix package
File manager with GTK interface
pcmanx-gtk2Nix package
Telnet BBS browser with GTK interface
pcmciautilsNix package
PCMCIAutils contains the initialization tools necessary to allow the PCMCIA subsystem to behave (a…
pcmsolverNix package
API for the Polarizable Continuum Model
pcpNix package
Command line peer-to-peer data transfer tool based on libp2p
pcsc-cyberjackNix package
REINER SCT cyberJack USB chipcard reader user space driver
pcsc-safenetNix package
Safenet Authentication Client
pcsc-scm-sclNix package
SCM Microsystems SCL011 chipcard reader user space driver
pcstatNix package
Page Cache stat: get page cache stats for files on Linux
pcsx2Nix package
Playstation 2 emulator
pcsx2-binNix package
Playstation 2 emulator (precompiled binary, repacked from official website)