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Showing entries 1-24 out of 24.
Ncurses client for libtorrent, ideal for use with screen, tmux, or dtach
rtNix package
rt-testsNix package
Suite of real-time tests - cyclictest, hwlatdetect, pip_stress, pi_stress, pmqtest, ptsematest, rt…
rt5677-firmwareNix package
Firmware for Realtek rt5677 device
rtaudioNix package
Set of C++ classes that provide a cross platform API for realtime audio input/output
rtfmNix package
Dash/docset reader with built in documentation for Crystal and GTK APIs
rtg-toolsNix package
Useful utilities for dealing with VCF files and sequence data, especially vcfeval
rtkitNix package
Daemon that hands out real-time priority to processes
rtl-aisNix package
Simple AIS tuner and generic dual-frequency FM demodulator
Firmware for Realtek RTL8188SU/RTL8191SU/RTL8192SU
Firmware for Realtek RTL8761b
rtl_433Nix package
Decode traffic from devices that broadcast on 433.9 MHz, 868 MHz, 315 MHz, 345 MHz and 915 MHz
Turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a FM radio stereo receiver
rtlamrNix package
Rtl-sdr receiver for Itron ERT compatible smart meters
rtlcssnodePackages.rtlcssNix package
Framework for converting Left-To-Right (LTR) Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) to Right-To-Left (RTL)
rtlcssnodePackages_latest.rtlcssNix package
Framework for converting Left-To-Right (LTR) Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) to Right-To-Left (RTL)
rtlcssrtlcssNix package
Framework for converting Left-To-Right (LTR) Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) to Right-To-Left (RTL)
rtmpdumprtmpdumpNix package
Toolkit for RTMP streams
rtmpdumprtmpdump_gnutlsNix package
Toolkit for RTMP streams
rtptoolsNix package
Number of small applications that can be used for processing RTP data
rtrlibNix package
Open-source C implementation of the RPKI/Router Protocol client
rtssNix package
Annotate output with relative durations between lines
rttrNix package
C++ Reflection Library
rtzNix package
Tool to easily work with timezone lookups via a binary, a library, or a server