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Showing entries 901-1000 out of 54071.
Approximate randomization test
Function approximation
Approximate discrete values and numbers
Newtype wrappers for approximate equality
Wipes time stamps from .a files (like ar -D)
Pure Haskell arbitrary length FFT library
FFI binding to the Intel Array Building Blocks (ArBB) virtual machine
Datadog client for Haskell
LRU cache based on STM
Counter library for submitting metrics to a backend such as datadog
Simple logging library
Core metric library for publishing metrics
Metric library backend for datadog
Convenience types and functions for postgresql-simple
Automatic Rule-Based Time Tracker
Parse ESRI/ArcInfo (ArcGrid) raster GIS files
Simple viewer for ESRI/ArcInfo (ArcGrid) geospatial data
Distribute hackage packages to archlinux
Arch Linux official and AUR web interface binding
A library and programs for creating hardlinked incremental archives or backups
Common interface using libarchive
Backpack signature for archive libraries
Common interface using the tar package
Common interface using the tar-bytestring package
Archive supplied URLs in WebCite & Internet Archive
Support for working with Arch Linux packages
Website maintenance for Arch Linux packages
Convert Arch Linux package updates in RSS to pretty markdown
Arduino programming in haskell using the Copilot stream DSL
A journaled data store
Generate Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files
An interpreter for the Argh! programming language in wxHaskell
Parse and render JSON
Measure your code's complexity
Memory-hard password hash and proof-of-work function
Command line parsing framework for console applications
A computer assisted argumentation transcription and editing software
Go-to-definition for Haskell
arionarionNix package
Run docker-compose with help from Nix/NixOS
arionhaskellPackages.arionNix package
Watcher and runner for Hspec
Run docker-compose with help from Nix/NixOS
A practical arithmetic encoding (aka Godel numbering) library
Do things with numbers
Natural number arithmetic
Arithmetic circuits for zkSNARKs
Efficient basic number-theoretic functions
Provides an arity-generic version of the liftA2, liftA3... LiftAn functions
Space-based real time strategy game
Prevent serialization backwards compatibility problems using golden tests
Library for reading ARPA n-gram models
Solve large scale eigenvalue problems
Mutable and immutable arrays
Builders for arrays
Lists of chunks
A simple interpreter for arrayForth, the language used on GreenArrays chips
IsList instances of Array for OverloadedLists extension
Memoization combinators using arrays for finite sub-domains of functions
Extra foreign primops for primitive arrays
Primitive functions for updating many elements in mutable arrays at once
Haskell bindings to the ArrayFire general-purpose GPU library
Memory-efficient ArrayList implementation
Unboxed references, dynamic arrays and more
Extra functions for Control
Improved arrows
List arrows for Haskell
Functions for working with arrows
Utilities for working with ArrowApply instances more naturally
Preprocessor translating arrow notation into Haskell 98
A preprocessor and quasiquoter for translating arrow notation
Arrow classes and transformers
A library to generate Netlist code from Arrow descriptions
A simple, arrow-based reactive programming
Basic types and instances for Valve's Artifact Card-set API
Archive execution tool
A client for the Arxiv API
Asana API Client
Atlassian Service Authentication Protocol
Generic markup builder
The ASCII character set and encoding
ASCII Art to Unicode Box Drawing converter
ASCII letter case
ASCII character without an upper/lower case distinction
A Char type representing an ASCII character
A collection of ASCII cows
Flattens European non-ASCII characaters into ASCII
ASCII character groups
ASCII animations for the holidays!
ASCII representations of numbers
Various categorizations of ASCII characters
A simple progress bar for the console
Compact representation of ASCII strings
Representing ASCII with refined supersets
ASCII table
Template Haskell support for ASCII
Process Ascii Vectors for Advantest 93k
Conduit for encoding ByteString into Ascii85
Line charts in terminal
Pretty rendering of Ascii diagram into svg or png
Action Script Instrumentation Compiler
Library for creating and querying segmented feeds