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Showing entries 10601-10700 out of 54071.
Bindings to libpsl, a C library that handles the Public Suffix List (PSL)
Json module based on the very fast RapidJSON
Interface to the readline library
A fast Neovim http client written in Lua
Allow rocks.nvim to help configure your plugins
A swiss-army knife for testing and developing rocks.nvim modules
Use rocks.nvim to install plugins from git!
🌒 Neovim plugin management inspired by Cargo, powered by luarocks
Source plugin and ftdetect directories on the Neovim runtimepath
🦀 Supercharge your Rust experience in Neovim!
Lua string hashing/indexing library
Lua serializer and pretty printer
SQLite/LuaJIT binding and a highly opinionated wrapper for storing, retrieving, caching, and persi…
Debug Hints Library
Normalized Lua Functions
General Lua Libraries
A language server for the Teal language
A telescope.nvim extension for Manix - A fast documentation searcher for Nix
Find, Filter, Preview, Pick
An experimental port of OpenAI's Tokenizer to lua
Teal, a typed dialect of Lua
TOML Parser + Formatting and Comment-Preserving Editor
The official tree-sitter parser for Norg documents
A fork of tree-sitter-org, for use with the orgmode Neovim plugin
Busted wrapper for testing neovim plugin
An XML Parser written entirely in Lua that works for Lua 5.1+
Process application arguments the same way as getopt_long
Library for color Manipulation
A feature-rich command-line argument parser
A base2, base16, base32, base64 and base85 library for Lua
Binary heap implementation in pure Lua
Elegant Lua unit testing
A pretty output handler for Busted
The cassowary constraint solver
Lua interface to Unicode CLDR data
The commons lua library for Neovim plugin project
Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.2 and 5.1
Safe templates for Lua
Coroutine safe xpcall and pcall
A build system for the Teal language
A library for handling paths when loading data files
A code analyzer for TeX
David Kolf's JSON module for Lua
lua5.2-fennelfennelNix package
A lisp that compiles to Lua
lua5.2-fennellua52Packages.fennelNix package
A lisp that compiles to Lua
Extensible UI for Neovim notifications and LSP progress messages
A lua library/'class' that implements a FIFO
Lua implementation of Project Fluent
This plugin is a way of creating/deleting files/folders without needing to open a file explorer
Improved fzf.vim written in lua
A lua implementation of the fzy fuzzy matching algorithm
Git signs written in pure lua
🦥 Supercharge your Haskell experience in neovim!
HTTP library for Lua
🖼️ Bringing images to Neovim
Lua table visualizer, ideal for debugging
Javascript (ECMA19) regular expressions for lua
A Lua library to access dbus
A Lua Documentation Tool
A binding for the linenoise command line library
Human-friendly Lua code analysis powered by Lua Language Server
C99 extensions for the math library
Lua API for the GNU MPFR library
Loadkit allows you to load arbitrary files within the Lua package path
Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua
A collection of LPEG patterns
Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua with Labeled Failures
Regular expression library binding (GNU flavour)
Regular expression library binding (PCRE flavour)
Regular expression library binding (POSIX flavour)
A performant lsp progress status for Neovim
A fast JSON encoding/parsing module
MessagePack C implementation and bindings for Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3
Lua binding to libcurl
A Lua module using LuaJIT's FFI feature to access zlib
Lua binding to the iconv
A Language Server implementation for lua, the language
A pure Lua implementation of the MessagePack serialization format
Protobuf data support for Lua
Lua HTTP client cosocket driver for OpenResty / ngx_lua
JWT for ngx_lua and LuaJIT
A library for NGINX implementing the OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP) and the OAuth 2.0 Resource …
Session Library for OpenResty - Flexible and Secure
Terminal functions for Lua
Toml decoder/encoder for Lua
A set of utility functions for Neovim plugins
Integrate the yajl JSON library with Lua
Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua
A command-line argument parsing module for Lua
Lua Bit Operations Module
A static analyzer and a linter for Lua
Coverage analysis tool for Lua scripts