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Showing entries 1301-1400 out of 54071.
"base" package sans "Prelude" module
base-orphansbase-orphansNix package
Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base
base-orphansbase-orphans_0_9_3Nix package
Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base
Featureful preludes formed solely from the "base" package
Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
Fast RFC 4648-compliant Base16 encoding
RFC 4648-compliant Base16 encodings for ByteStrings
Optics for the Base16 library
Fast RFC 4648-compliant Base32 encoding
Fast base32 and base32hex codec for ByteStrings
Optics for the Base32 library
Fast z-base32 and z-base32hex codec for ByteStrings
Fast and safe representation of a Base-32 string
Implementation of BASE58 transcoding for ByteStrings
Parsing and serialization for Base58 addresses (Bitcoin and Ripple)
Fast and safe representation of a Base-58 string
Base62 encoding and decoding
base64base64Nix package
A modern RFC 4648-compliant Base64 library
base64base64_1_0Nix package
A modern Base64 library
Base64 encoding of byte sequences
Fast base64 encoding and decoding for ByteStrings
A newtype around ByteString, for base64 encoding
Base64-encode and decode streams of bytes
Optics for the Base64 library
Base64 implementation for String's
A Generic Base91 Encoder & Decoder
Alternative prelude
Foundation scrap box of array & string
Foundation scrap box of array & string
Please see the README
Base-N ByteStrings for base{16,32,58,64}
Baserock Definitions Schema
A BaseX client for Haskell
Bash generation library
Embedded BASIC
Lifting values from base types
A small package to access the cpuid instruction directly
Basic implementation of General Problem Solver algorithm
Basic lens type and functions
An enhanced core prelude; a common foundation for alternate preludes
Basic examples and functions for generics-sop
Modules for primitive types
An interpreter for a small functional language
Simplify queuing up data and processing it in batch
Make Linux or MacOS do things like "rename *.mp3 *.mp4"
Batch processing toolset for Linux / Unix
Core modules of batchd, to use in batchd extensions
Docker containers host controller for batchd
Host controller for batchd, which controls virtual machines via libvirt library
An Applicative Functor deferring actions to run in a batch later
API client for Battle
Yesod integration for the battlenet package
Core definitions for service
Public API definitions of service
Compute number of possible arrangements in the battleship game
A web-based implementation of battleships including an AI opponent
Framework for inferring generative probabilistic models with Gibbs sampling
HTML Coverage Reports for Rules_Haskell
Locate Bazel runfiles location
Library for parsing, constructing, and printing BBCode
Ability to read, write, and modify BBDB files
Tools for reading Big Binary Indexed files, e.g., bigBed, bigWig
Big Contact Map Tools
Language tags as specified by BCP 47
BCP47 orphan instances
Haskell bindings to the bcrypt password hash
Tools for managing a content store of software packages
Behavior-Driven Development DSL
Simple, fast binary diff/patch
Update CSS in the browser without reloading the page
A type-safe SQL mapper for Haskell that doesn't use Template Haskell
DB migration library for beam, targeting Postgres
beam-corebeam-coreNix package
Type-safe, feature-complete SQL query and manipulation interface for Haskell
beam-corebeam-core_0_10_3_1Nix package
Type-safe, feature-complete SQL query and manipulation interface for Haskell
SQL DDL support and migrations support library for Beam
Connection layer between beam and MySQL/MariaDB
A newtype for wrapping newtypes into beam schemas
Connection layer between beam and postgres
Beam driver for SQLite
Template Haskell utilities for beam
Generic serializer/deserializer with compact representation
FRP Yampa replacement implemented with Monadic Stream Functions
A pretty-printer for higher-order logic
Implementation of the Bech32 cryptocurrency address format (BIP 0173)
Template Haskell extensions to the Bech32 library
Efficient Matrix and Vector operations in 100% Haskell
Bindings to the JSON API
An interpreter for the Befunge-93 Programming Language
Bein is a provenance and workflow management system for bioinformatics
Parsing, rendering and manipulating the structured communication of Belgian financial transactions
HTTP client DSL
Bencode encoding and decoding library
benchbenchNix package
Command-line benchmark tool
benchhaskellPackages.benchNix package
Command-line benchmark tool
Plot and compare benchmarks
Show, plot and compare benchmark results
Test the time it takes to run a haskell function
Benchmark functions with history
Micro-benchmarking with detailed statistics