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Showing entries 2301-2400 out of 54071.
Protect and control API access with cerberus
A binary serialization library
Turn Data
Integration of "cereal" and "data-dword"
Automatic deriving of Serialize using GHC.Generics
Deserialize things with cereal and enumerator
Floating point support for the 'cereal' serialization library
Io-streams support for the cereal binary serialization library
An extended serialization library on top of "cereal"
Use cereal to encode/decode io-streams
Serialize instances for types from time package
Integration of "cereal" and "unordered-containers"
Integration of "cereal" and "uuid"
Serialize instances for Data
Certificates and Key Reader/Writer
Exact real arithmetic using continued fractions
A library getting the environment when running on Cloud Foundry
Type directed application configuration parsing and accessors
Cfipu processor for toy brainfuck-like language
Constraint Functional-Logic Programming in Haskell
Haskell implementation of aws/cfn-flip
Cfopu processor
Parser for categorial grammars
Generates Haskell bindings and C wrappers for C++ libraries
A library for writing CGI programs
Undecidable instances for the cgi package
Simple modular utilities for CGI/FastCGI (sessions, etc.)
Command line tool
A container-/cgroup-aware substitute for the GHC RTS -N flag
Library decoding chain codes from images
Mining Client for Kadena Chainweb
A REST Web Api server template for building (micro)services
Terminal string styling
Combinators for building and processing 2D images
OpenGL based viewer for chalkboard rendered images
Hardware description EDSL
Some extra kit for Chans
Concurrent Chans as read/write pairs
Parse VCS changelogs into ChangeLogs
Changelog manager for Git projects
Generalized stream processors
A diagnostics library for Haskell
Combinators for unicode or ASCII box drawing characters
Convert legacy byte encodings to and from Unicode
Quasiquoters for characters and codepoints
Exposes subspecies types of Char
Pattern synonyms for ASCII characters for Word8, Word16 etc
Rapid prototyping websites with Snap and Heist
charsetcharsetNix package
Fast unicode character sets based on complemented PATRICIA tries
charsetcharset_0_3_11Nix package
Fast unicode character sets based on complemented PATRICIA tries
Character set detection using Mozilla's Universal Character Set Detector
Character set detection using Mozilla's Universal Character Set Detector
A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots
Cairo backend for Charts
Command-line utility to draw charts from input data easily
Diagrams backend for Charts
A backend for the Chart library for FLTKHS
Utility functions for using the chart library with GTK
Utility functions for using the chart library with GTK
Easily render histograms with Chart
A wrapper for the chart library to assist with basic plots (Deprecated - use the Easy module inste…
chart-svgchart-svgNix package
Charting library targetting SVGs
chart-svgchart-svg_0_8_0_0Nix package
Charting library targetting SVGs
Tests of the Charts library
Native haskell charts
Please see the README on GitHub at
Chase & Lev work-stealing lock-free double-ended queues (deques)
For testing partial and infinite values
Polykinded Prelude Kernel
A library of simple NLP algorithms
Some monad transformers and typeclasses for text in- and output abstraction
Provides some classes and types for dealing with text, using the fundaments of Chatty
Some utilities every serious chatty-based application may need
The ChatWork API in Haskell
Experimental markdown processor
Code highlighting for cheapskate
Use cheapskate with Lucid
Initial project template from stack
A Haskell cheat sheet in PDF and literate formats
Checks context free grammar for ambiguity using brute force up to given limit
Confirm whether an email is valid and probably existant
Check whether module and package imports conform to the PVP
Inbuilt checking for ultra reliable computing
Bounds-checking integer types
Check properties on standard classes and data structures
Generate checklists relevant to a given patch
Compute and verify checksums of ISBN, IBAN, etc
A simple and intuitive library for automated testing
HUnit support for Chell
QuickCheck support for Chell
The core library for Cherry Haskell
Simple library for validating chess moves and parsing PGN files
A Library for Chess Game Logic
Basic chess library
Query interface for Chevalier
Parse and scrape recipe blogs
A tmux client for Polysemy
Testing tools for chiasma