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Showing entries 3001-3100 out of 54071.
Derive typeclass instances for decoding types from HOCON conf
A library for simple INI-based configuration files
Configuration management
Parse config files using parsec and generate parse errors on unhandled keys
Schema definitions for the config-value package
A small program for swapping out dot files
Simple, layout-based value language similar to YAML or JSON
Interface between config-value and System
Configuration file reading & writing
Template haskell for reading ConfigFiles
Parse config files
Parser for config files, shell variables, command line args
Declare types as Configurable then specialize them all in one place
Simple data type for application configuration
Tools for specifying and parsing configurations
Configuration management
Pretty printer and exporter for configurations from the "configurator" library
The next generation of configuration management
Reduced parser for configurator-ng config files
An RFC 2119 Monad transformer
Testutils for conformance
A command line tool for resolving conflicts of file synchronizers
Tracable multi-source config management
Decidable congruence relations for Haskell: up to you whether this is a joke
Vinyl-style extensible graphs
Sparse matrix linear-equation solver
A BitTorrent client
Tools for functors from Hask^k to Hask
A logger for a concurrent program
Simple and easy network connections API
Connection pool built on top of resource-pool and streaming-commons
A library for parsing connection strings
Orders, Galois connections, and lattices
Restart a command on STDIN activity
Eventually consistent STM transactions
Interpret the command line and a config file as commands and options
Console user prompts
Styled console text output using ANSI escape sequences
Trivial re-export of Wouter Swierstra's Stream package, avoiding module name clash
Read-only mutable primitives
Compiler plugin for constant math elimination
A safe interface for Const summarization
Parse ByteStrings of a prescribed length
Equality by only Constructor
Generalization of standard Functor, Foldable, and Traversable classes
Constrained clones of the category-theory type classes, using ConstraintKinds
Constrained Categories
Dynamic typing with retained constraints
Typeclasses and instances for monads with constraints
Normalised Deep Embeddings for Constrained Type-Class Instances
Instances of standard platform types for 'constrained' package
Existential type that can be constrained
Reified constraints
Various typeclasses using ConstraintKinds
Some conviencience type functions for manipulating constraints
Constraint reflection
constraint-tuplesconstraint-tuplesNix package
Partially applicable constraint tuples
constraint-tuplesconstraint-tuples_0_2Nix package
Partially applicable constraint tuples
Repackages standard type classes with the ConstraintKinds extension
Constraint manipulation
Manipulating constraints and deriving class instances programmatically
Defer instance lookups until runtime
Utility package for constraints
Strict versions of many things in base
constructconstructNix package
Haskell version of the Construct library for easy specification of file formats
constructconstruct_0_3_2Nix package
Haskell version of the Construct library for easy specification of file formats
Exact computation with constructible real numbers
A library of constructive algebra
A consul client for Haskell
A monad and monad transformer for consuming streams
Concurrent PostgreSQL data consumers
Containers abstraction and utilities
Functions for building containers from a known number of elements
Generic classes for interacting with different container types
Assorted concrete container types
Hashing-based container types
Extensive benchmark suite for containers package
Provide orphan NFData instances for containers as needed
Data.Graph, but it doesn't suck!
Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
Formally verified drop-in replacement of containers
Store and retrieve data from an on-disk store
Thread-indexed, nested contexts
Generate art from context-free grammars
Basic algorithms on context-free grammars
Modify HTTP requests/responses using context
Thread-safe, pool-compatible resource provider
An abstraction of a stack and stack-based monadic context
Add request-specific (or not!)
Implementation of the context algebra
Unified interface for primitive arrays
Contiguous with bounds checks
Dft of contiguous memory structures
Monads with suspension and arbitrary-spot reentry
Types and functions for working with continued fractions in Haskell
Continued fractions
Continuum Database Client
Continuum Database Client
Arrow and contravariant tracers