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Showing entries 51001-51100 out of 54071.
Tests for the string-conv library
Simplifies dealing with different types for strings
Universal string conversions
Conversions between common string types, as well as Base16/Base32/Base64
Haskell string/text/bytestring interpolation that just works
Is used in the phonetic languages approach (e. g. in the recursive mode)
Tools for working with isomorphisms of strings
A package that aims to provide a uniform interface to string-like types
QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings
QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings
A library for generating random string from a regular experession
Longest common substring
Simple and easy haskell string transform wrapper
Type-level Chars and Strings, with decidable equality
Constrained text newtypes
A Stringable type class, in the spirit of Foldable and Traversable
A writer monad for multi-line string literals
Transformations to several string-like types
Implements the "StringPrep" algorithm
Functions for working with strings, including Text, ByteString, etc
Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings
Memoize Strings as Atoms for fast comparison and sorting, with maps and sets
String manipulation utilities
Optics for string-like data types
Initial project template from stack
Strip ANSI escape code from string
A Haskell implementation of the Stripe API
Types for the Stripe API
Stripe API for Haskell - Pure Core
Stripe API for Haskell
Unofficial Stripe client
Stripe API for Haskell - http-client backend
Stripe API for Haskell - http-streams backend
Listen for Stripe webhook events with Scotty
Unofficial Stripe servant types
Verification of Stripe webhook signatures
Tests for Stripe API bindings for Haskell
Use the Stripe API via Wreq
Resolver using strips algorithm
strivestriveNix package
A client for the Strava V3 API
strivestrive_6_0_0_13Nix package
A client for the Strava V3 API
Strongly typed paths in Haskell
Interface library for strongSwan SQL backend
Convert between strong and weak representations of types
Efficient parsing of LocalTime using a binding to C's strptime, with some extra features (i.e. fra…
Inspect the padding and size of C data declarations and their fields
Strict GC'd imperative object-oriented programming with cheap pointers
Instantiate structural induction schemas for algebraic data types
Initial project template from stack
Structure (hash) of your data types
Application library for building interactive console CLIs
Structured editing Emacs mode for Haskell
Structured MongoDB interface
"Advanced" Data Structures
A monad transformer version of the ST monad
RFC 5389:
A revival of the classic game Stunts (LambdaCube tech demo)
stutterhaskellPackages.stutterNix package
(Stutter Text|String)-Utterer
stutterstutterNix package
(Stutter Text|String)-Utterer
stylish-cabalhaskellPackages.stylish-cabalNix package
Format Cabal files
stylish-cabalstylish-cabalNix package
Format Cabal files
stylish-haskellhaskellPackages.stylish-haskellNix package
Haskell code prettifier
stylish-haskellhaskellPackages.stylish-haskell_0_14_4_0Nix package
Haskell code prettifier
stylish-haskellhaskellPackages.stylish-haskell_0_14_6_0Nix package
Haskell code prettifier
stylish-haskellstylish-haskellNix package
Haskell code prettifier
Apply CSS styles to a document tree
Traits, datatypes, & parsers for Haskell Stylist
Ways to output stylized text on ANSI consoles
A generator of nix files
An applicative functor that seamlessly talks to HTML inputs
Get the total, put a single element
Subcategories induced by class constraints
Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes
Additional instances for the InsertLeft class from subG package
Type safe interface for programming in subcategories of Hask
Toolchain of subleq computer
Allows to split lists into sublists with some patterns by quantity
Extract a part from CommonMark/Markdown docs
Subnetting calculator
Subsample data
Match / replace substrings with a parser combinators
A parser for .srt
Modify SRT subtitle files
Subword graph implementation
Helps when going "seed values" -> alternatives and optional -> answers
A version of Either specialised for encoding of success or failure
An applicative functor to manage successors
Suffix arrays and friends
Simple and moderately efficient suffix array implementation
N log n implementation of suffix array
Suffix array construction
Efficient, lazy suffix tree implementation
A pretty, sweet data language
Convert sugar to common data types for code generation
Sugar with JSON
Sugar with Scheme
Library-based syntactic extensibility for Haskell
Abstract over the constraints on the parameters to type constructors
Create Sum Pyramid (Additionstreppe) exercises