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Showing entries 6901-7000 out of 54071.
Parsing and unambiguously representing musical chords
Low level bindings for Groonga
Yet another Groonga http server
HaRP allows pattern-matching with regular expressions
Haskell array programming
Numhask shim for harpie
Runtime code generation for x86 machine code
Bindings for Harvest API
Entity based records
Template Haskell function for Has records
This library 'Has' transformers
A library for arbitrary precision decimal numbers
Haskell driver for Neo4j 3+ (BOLT protocol)
Extras for hasbolt library
Haskell bindings for CacBDD
Tiny calculator library and command-line program
Haskell to and from Scalameta
Decompress SAPCAR archives
A TUI for reviewing notes using 'flashcards' written with markdown-like syntax
Cassandra driver for haskell
Hascat Web Server
Hascat Package
Hascat Installation helper
Hascat System Package
Minimalist R5RS Scheme interpreter
Functional choreographic programming in Haskell
A Haskell library for inference using Gaussian processes
Hashing tools
Hash-addressed file storage
Hash-addressed file storage app
Opportunistic hash-consing data structure
Hash as cache
Merkle Hash Tree
hashablehashableNix package
A class for types that can be converted to a hash value
hashablehashable_1_4_7_0Nix package
A class for types that can be converted to a hash value
hashablehashable_1_5_0_0Nix package
A class for types that can be converted to a hash value
A class for types which can be converted into a hash value
Higher-rank Hashable
Automatically generates Hashable instances with GHC.Generics
Provides instances missing from Hashable
Hashable instances for Data
Principled, portable & extensible hashing of data and types, including an implementation of th…
Hashed file storage support code
Simple shell written in Haskell
Hash digests for files and directories
Hash functions
A library for working with contracts and hashrates
Hashids generates short, unique, non-sequential ids from numbers
A pure haskell library implements several hash algorithms
Persistent containers Map and Set based on hashing
A Hashmap on io monad
Throw behaviour for hashmap lookup
Rename every file in a directory with his SHA1 hash
Efficient consistent hashing
Benchmark of hash table implementations
hashtableshashtablesNix package
Mutable hash tables in the ST monad
hashtableshashtables_1_4_1Nix package
Mutable hash tables in the ST monad
Extensions for a "hashtables" library
Process-Based Discrete Event Simulation library
Generate homepages for cabal packages
Utility to generate bindings for BlackBerry Cascades
Kafka bindings for Haskell
A breakout game written in Yampa using SDL
A dialect of haskell with order of execution based on dependency resolution
Easily-extensible chatbot for Slack messaging service
Computes and audits file hashes
Generate tags file for Haskell project and its nearest deps
A small scheme interpreter
A command-line interface for user input, written in Haskell
Class interface for working with Haskeline
A convenient Haskeline wrapper
Write Emacs module in Haskell, using Emacs 25's Dynamic Module feature
Haskell Application BlockChain Interface (ABCI) Server Library
Remote Management Platform for Haskell Applications
Core Modules of Haskell Admin
Application Health Component for Haskell Admin
Managed Functions integration for Haskell Admin
Haskell client of aliyun service
Transform text from the command-line using Haskell expressions
A bcrypt implementation for haskell
Complete BitMEX Client
Auto-generated bitmex API Client
BrainFuck interpreter
haskell-cihaskell-ciNix package
Cabal package script generator for Travis-CI
haskell-cihaskellPackages.haskell-ciNix package
Cabal package script generator for Travis-CI
Library for parallel programming in the Intel Concurrent Collections paradigm
Simple CoffeeScript API
Compress files
Core Types for NLP
Small modules for a Haskell course in which Haskell is taught by implementing Prelude functionalit…
Haskell implementation of the DAP interface data
Haskell Debug Adapter
Client library for the Disque datastore
A program to find and display the docs and type of a name
Search Hoogle and navigate Hackage from the command line
Some utility functions for haskell-eigen library
Simple parser parser from Haskell to TemplateHaskell expressions
Simple library for retrieving current user agent strings
Haskell bindings for ffprobe