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Showing entries 8101-8200 out of 54071.
Yesod middleware for providing OpenTelemetry instrumentation
OpenTelemetry protocol buffer modules generated for the OTLP protocol by the proto-lens package
Trace propagation via HTTP headers following the b3 tracestate spec
Datadog Propagator for OpenTelemetry
Trace propagation via HTTP headers following the w3c tracestate spec
OpenTelemetry SDK for use in applications
Please see the README on GitHub at…
Optional OpenTelemetry integration for Honeycomb
DSL for musical patterns and transformation, based on contravariant functors
Programmer's Mine Sweeper in Haskell
PHP session and values serialization
Create pkg-config configuration files
A library for Passbook pass creation & signing
Bindings to C pipe functions
Profunctors from Haskell to Haskell
Easy to use Regex
A Haskell client for RQlite
Read and write SAM, BAM, and CRAM files
Simple and easy web scraping and automation in Haskell
Terminal Emulator written in Haskell, SDL2 Backend
Write a server supporting Server::Starter's protocol in Haskell
Snowtify send your result of stack build (stack test) to notify-daemon :dog2:
Convert an eventlog into the speedscope json format
Create tag files (ctags and etags) for Haskell code
Bindings to the Tango Controls system
Terminal Emulator written in 100% Haskell
Haskell binding to the Twitter API
Commandline Twitter feed archiver
Implements the RFC 2426 vCard 3.0 spec
Client library for Facebook's Watchman tool
Haskell bindings to the Zstandard compression algorithm
A 2048 clone in Haskell
Create ATS types from Haskell types
Haskell to Brainfuck compiler
Generate graphviz-code from Haskell-code
A Library and Preprocessor that makes it easier to create shared libs from Haskell programs
Translate Haskell types to PureScript
Interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3)
Akamai API(Edgegrid and Netstorage)
OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0
A haskell interface to Lester Ingber's adaptive simulating annealing code
Integrating Sass into Haskell applications
Haskell bindings for PyAutoGUI, a library for automating user interaction
(ab)Use Google Translate as a speech synthesiser
Preprocesses a file, adding blobs from files as string literals
Simple utility for rolling filesystem backups
A command line calculator
Launch and gather data from Haskell and non-Haskell benchmarks
Backend for uploading benchmark data to CodeSpeed
Backend for uploading benchmark data to Google Fusion Tables
Haskell bindings to BLST
A preprocessor that helps with writing Haskell bindings to C code
Haskell SuperCollider
Haskell SuperCollider Auditor
Haskell supercollider cairo drawing
Haskell supercollider data
Haskell SuperCollider Unit Generator Database
Haskell supercollider graph drawing
Haskell SuperCollider Graphs
Haskell SuperCollider Language
Haskell SuperCollider Plotting
Create and control scsynth processes
Haskell SuperCollider Record Variants
Hsc3 re-writing
SuperCollider server resource management and synchronization
Haskell SuperCollider SoundFile
Haskell SuperCollider SoundFile
Unsafe Haskell SuperCollider
Haskell SuperCollider Utilities
Very simple file/directory structure scaffolding writer monad EDSL
Haskell bindings to IIDC1394 cameras, via Camwire
Cassandra database interface
Command line client and library for
Haskell bindings to the libcdio disc-reading library
Minimal ncurses-like library
Describe schemas for your Haskell data types
Describe schemas for your Haskell data types
Describe schemas for your Haskell data types
Describe schemas for your Haskell data types
Hscim json schema and server implementation
An elegant analog clock using Haskell, GTK and Cairo
hscolourhaskellPackages.hscolourNix package
Colourise Haskell code
hscolourhscolourNix package
Colourise Haskell code
By using this package, you can make application configurable
Cscope like browser for Haskell code
A Haskell library to scrape and crawl web-pages
Haskell shell script templates
Collision-resistant IDs
NCurses bindings for Haskell
Hscurses swimming fish example
Haskell development library
Haskell SDIF
Hsdip - a Diplomacy parser/renderer
Asynchronous DNS Resolver
Caching asynchronous DNS resolver
Preprocess+parse haskell code