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Attribute set of i3status-rust bars, each with their own configuration. Each bar name generates a config file suffixed with the bar's name from the attribute set, like so: config-${name}.toml.

This way, multiple config files can be generated, such as for having a top and a bottom bar.

See i3status-rust(1) for options.

attribute set of (submodule)
  default = {
    blocks = [
        alert = 10.0;
        block = "disk_space";
        info_type = "available";
        interval = 60;
        path = "/";
        warning = 20.0;
        block = "memory";
        format = " $icon mem_used_percents ";
        format_alt = " $icon $swap_used_percents ";
        block = "cpu";
        interval = 1;
        block = "load";
        format = " $icon $1m ";
        interval = 1;
        block = "sound";
        block = "time";
        format = " $timestamp.datetime(f:'%a %d/%m %R') ";
        interval = 60;
bottom = {
  blocks = [
       block = "disk_space";
       path = "/";
       info_type = "available";
       interval = 60;
       warning = 20.0;
       alert = 10.0;
       block = "memory";
       format_mem = " $icon $mem_used_percents ";
       format_swap = " $icon $swap_used_percents ";
       block = "cpu";
       interval = 1;
       block = "load";
       interval = 1;
       format = " $icon $1m ";
     { block = "sound"; }
       block = "time";
       interval = 60;
       format = " $timestamp.datetime(f:'%a %d/%m %R') ";
  settings = {
    theme =  {
      theme = "solarized-dark";
      overrides = {
        idle_bg = "#123456";
        idle_fg = "#abcdef";
  icons = "awesome5";
  theme = "gruvbox-dark";