Attribute set of search engine configurations. Engines that only have metaData specified will be treated as builtin to Thunderbird.
See SearchEngine.jsm in Thunderbird's source for available options. We maintain a mapping to let you specify all options in the referenced link without underscores, but it may fall out of date with future options.
Note, icon is also a special option added by Home Manager to make it convenient to specify absolute icon paths.
attribute set of attribute set of (JSON value)
{ }
"Nix Packages" = {
urls = [{
template = "";
params = [
{ name = "type"; value = "packages"; }
{ name = "query"; value = "{searchTerms}"; }
icon = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake.svg";
definedAliases = [ "@np" ];
"NixOS Wiki" = {
urls = [{ template = "{searchTerms}"; }];
iconUpdateURL = "";
updateInterval = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; # every day
definedAliases = [ "@nw" ];
"Bing".metaData.hidden = true;
"Google".metaData.alias = "@g"; # builtin engines only support specifying one additional alias