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Showing entries 1-38 out of 38.
antidoteNixOS option-set
autosuggestionNixOS option-set
historyNixOS option-set
historySubstringSearchNixOS option-set
oh-my-zshNixOS option-set
pluginsNixOS option-set
preztoNixOS option-set
syntaxHighlightingNixOS option-set
zplugNixOS option-set
zprofNixOS option-set
zsh-abbrNixOS option-set
Automatically enter into a directory if typed directly into shell
List of paths to autocomplete calls to cd
Initialization commands to run when completion is enabled
The default base keymap to use
An attribute set that adds to named directory hash table
Directory where the zsh configuration and more should be located, relative to the users home direc…
Whether to enable Z shell (Zsh)
Enable zsh completion
Whether to enable integration with terminals using the VTE library
Extra commands that should be added to .zshenv
Options related to commands history configuration
Options related to zsh-history-substring-search
Extra commands that should be added to .zshrc
Extra commands that should be added to .zshrc before compinit
Commands that should be added to top of .zshrc
Extra local variables defined at the top of .zshrc
Extra commands that should be added to .zlogin
Extra commands that should be added to .zlogout
Options to configure oh-my-zsh
The zsh package to use
Plugins to source in .zshrc
Options to configure prezto
Extra commands that should be added to .zprofile
Environment variables that will be set for zsh session
An attribute set that maps aliases (the top level attribute names in this option) to command strin…
Similar to , but are substituted anywhere on a line
Options related to zsh-syntax-highlighting