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Showing entries 701-800 out of 943.
sigalNix package
Yet another simple static gallery generator
sigiNix package
Organizing CLI for people who don't love organizing
sigloNix package
GTK app to sync InfiniTime watch with PinePhone
sioyekNix package
A PDF viewer designed for research papers and technical books
skateNix package
A personal multi-machine syncable key value store
skytempleNix package
ROM hacking tool for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
sl1-to-photonNix package
Tool for converting Slic3r
slic3rNix package
G-code generator for 3D printers
slidesNix package
Terminal based presentation tool
slippyNix package
Markdown slideshows in Rust
slstatusNix package
Status monitor for window managers that use WM_NAME like dwm
slwebNix package
A static website generator which aims at being simplistic
smpqNix package
StormLib MPQ archiving utility
snagbootNix package
Generic recovery and reflashing tool for embedded platforms
snapmaker-lubanNix package
Snapmaker Luban is an easy-to-use 3-in-1 software tailor-made for Snapmaker machines
snapper-guiNix package
Graphical interface for snapper
snixembedNix package
Proxy StatusNotifierItems as XEmbedded systemtray-spec icons
snowsqlNix package
Command line client for the Snowflake database
solaarlogitech-udev-rulesNix package
Linux devices manager for the Logitech Unifying Receiver
solaarsolaarNix package
Linux devices manager for the Logitech Unifying Receiver
solanumNix package
A pomodoro timer for the GNOME desktop
somebarNix package
Dwm-like bar for dwl
An example application to test the spacenavd driver
A simple terminal-based open source Spritz-alike
spnavcfgNix package
Interactive configuration GUI for space navigator input devices
spotify-trayNix package
Adds a tray icon to the Spotify Linux client application
sqlsNix package
SQL language server written in Go
ssh-toolsNix package
Collection of various tools using ssh
ssocrNix package
Seven Segment Optical Character Recognition
sswNix package
GNU Spread Sheet Widget
stagNix package
Terminal streaming bar graph passed through stdin
Reduces STEP file size by removing redundancy
stickyNix package
A sticky notes app for the linux desktop
storkNix package
Impossibly fast web search, made for static sites
streamdeck-uiNix package
Linux compatible UI for the Elgato Stream Deck
stretchlyNix package
A break time reminder app
stw-unstableNix package
A simple text widget for X resembling the watch(1) command
stylish-unstableNix package
A shell script to manage wallpapers
styxNix package
Nix based static site generator
subsurfaceNix package
A divelog program
sunwaitNix package
Calculates sunrise or sunset times with civil, nautical, astronomical and custom twilights
super-slicersuper-slicerNix package
PrusaSlicer fork with more features and faster development cycle
super-slicersuper-slicer-betaNix package
PrusaSlicer fork with more features and faster development cycle
super-slicersuper-slicer-latestNix package
PrusaSlicer fork with more features and faster development cycle
surface-controlNix package
Control various aspects of Microsoft Surface devices on Linux from the Command-Line
survexNix package
Free Software/Open Source software package for mapping caves
swappyNix package
A Wayland native snapshot editing tool, inspired by Snappy on macOS
It makes inactive sway windows transparent
TUI Application launcher with Desktop Entry support
swaynag-batteryNix package
Shows a message when your battery is discharging
Simple notification daemon with a GUI built for Sway
swaysettingsNix package
A GUI for configuring your sway desktop
Design and visualize your future home
synapseNix package
Semantic launcher to start applications and find relevant files
syncthing-trayNix package
Simple application tray for syncthing
syncthingtraysyncthingtrayNix package
Tray application and Dolphin/Plasma integration for Syncthing
syncthingtraysyncthingtray-minimalNix package
Tray application and Dolphin/Plasma integration for Syncthing
syncthingtraysyncthingtray-qt6Nix package
Tray application and Dolphin/Plasma integration for Syncthing
synergysynergyNix package
Share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers
synergysynergyWithoutGUINix package
Share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers
Keyboard configuration application for System76 keyboards and laptops
systembus-notifyNix package
System bus notification daemon
tableplusNix package
Database management made easy
tabulaNix package
A tool for liberating data tables locked inside PDF files
tabula-javaNix package
A library for extracting tables from PDF files
tagtimeNix package
Stochastic Time Tracking for Space Cadets
Tailscale systray
taizen-unstableNix package
Curses based mediawiki browser
tangoNix package
A local command-line Japanese dictionary tool using yomichan's dictionary files
taskjugglerNix package
A modern and powerful project management tool
taskncNix package
A ncurses wrapper around taskwarrior
taskopenNix package
Script for taking notes and open urls with taskwarrior
taskshNix package
REPL for taskwarrior
tasktimerNix package
Task Timer (tt) is a dead simple TUI task timer
taskwarriorNix package
Highly flexible command-line tool to manage TODO lists
taskwarrior-tuiNix package
A terminal user interface for taskwarrior
tdropNix package
A Glorified WM-Independent Dropdown Creator
teclaNix package
Keyboard layout viewer
tellicoNix package
Collection management software, free and simple
termdownNix package
Starts a countdown to or from TIMESPEC
terminal-colorsNix package
Script displaying terminal colors in various formats
terminal-parrotNix package
Shows colorful, animated party parrot in your terminial
terminal-stocksNix package
Terminal based application that provides stock price information
An open source terminal based version of Typeracer written in rust
termpdf.pyNix package
A graphical pdf (and epub, cbz, ...) reader that works inside the kitty terminal
teseqNix package
Escape sequence illuminator
Easily create SH3T files and edit the properties of the texture images it contain
thedeskNix package
Mastodon/Misskey Client for PC
themechangerNix package
A theme changing utility for Linux
therionNix package
Therion – cave surveying software
Task management system
thokrNix package
A typing tui with visualized results and historical logging
tickerNix package
Terminal stock ticker with live updates and position tracking
tickrsNix package
Realtime ticker data in your terminal
Server component of timewarrior synchronization application
timewarriorNix package
A command-line time tracker
tint2Nix package
Simple panel/taskbar unintrusive and light (memory, cpu, aestetic)
tipp10Nix package
Learn and train typing with the ten-finger system
tiramisuNix package
Desktop notifications, the UNIX way