Showing entries 1-23 out of 23.
Enter your availability to find a time that works for everyone
Enter your availability to find a time that works for everyone
Nix build file generator for Rust crates
Unix-way web crawler
Manage a local OpenShift 4.x cluster, Microshift or a Podman VM optimized for testing and developm…
Shell script to build fancy DMGs
Create React apps with no build configuration
Create React apps with no build configuration
Create React apps with no build configuration
Annoy your friends with the cringified text
Cross-platform C and C++ unit testing framework for the 21th century
Crocoddyl optimal control library
Crocoddyl optimal control library
Crocoddyl optimal control library
Port of Cro-Mag Rally, a 2000 Macintosh game by Pangea Software, for modern operating systems
Cron replacement, based on vixie-cron
Utilities to assist running periodic batch processing jobs
Utility to make using Crossplane easier
Crossword player and editor for GNOME
Command-line downloader for Crunchyroll
Simple gocryptfs GUI
Collaborative office suite, end-to-end encrypted and open-source
Dock (desktop panel) for Linux desktop