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Showing entries 1-23 out of 23.
hydrahydraNix package
Nix-based continuous build system
hydrahydra_unstableNix package
Nix-based continuous build system
hydrapaperNix package
GNOME utility for setting different wallpapers on individual monitors
hyperlinkNix package
Very fast link checker for CI
hyperspeedcubeNix package
Hyperspeedcube is a 3D and 4D Rubik's cube simulator
hyprcursorNix package
Hyprland cursor format, library and utilities
hyprdimNix package
Automatically dim windows in Hyprland when switching between them
hypreNix package
Parallel solvers for sparse linear systems featuring multigrid methods
hypridleNix package
Hyprland's idle daemon
hyprkeysNix package
Simple, scriptable keybind retrieval utility for Hyprland
hyprlandNix package
Dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks
Multi-monitor-aware Hyprland workspace widget helper
Automatically run a script when a monitor connects (or disconnects) in Hyprland
Multi-monitor aware Hyprland workspace widget
hyprlangNix package
Official implementation library for the hypr config language
hyprlockNix package
Hyprland's GPU-accelerated screen locking utility
hyprlsNix package
LSP server for Hyprland's configuration language
hyprnomeNix package
GNOME-like workspace switching in Hyprland
hyprnotifyNix package
DBus Implementation of Freedesktop Notification spec for 'hyprctl notify'
hyprshotNix package
Hyprshot is an utility to easily take screenshots in Hyprland using your mouse
hyprspaceNix package
Lightweight VPN Built on top of Libp2p for Truly Distributed Networks
hyprutilsNix package
Small C++ library for utilities used across the Hypr* ecosystem
Hyprland version of wayland-scanner in and for C++