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Showing entries 11701-11800 out of 52683.
Template Haskell for introspecting a module's declarations
Modular C code generator
Modular arithmetic via Numeric-Prelude
Html with style
A FRP library based on signal functions
Utilities working with JSON dataset
A functional firewall killer
Monadic Functional Reactive Programming
Samples of moffy
Events for sample codes of moffy
Sample executables of moffy - GTK3 version
Package to run moffy samples - GTK3 version
Sample executables of moffy - GTK4 version
Package to run moffy samples - Gtk4 version
Modular Haskell Web Server
A glorified string replacement tool
Mollie API client for Haskell
A better error monad transformer
Monadically convert object to unique integers and back
Monadically map objects to unique ints
An applicative monad that batches commands for later more efficient execution
A library for probabilistic programming
This package has been removed
Monadic abstraction for computations that can be branched and run independently
Monad, monad transformer, and typeclass representing choices
These as a transformer, ChronicleT
More flexible mtl
Monad-classes based typeclass for Ollie's logging-effect LoggingT
Monadic conversion between complex data structures and unique integers
Transformer for TCP connection with TLS and SOCKS support
Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
Stronger classes than monad-control
Coroutine monad transformer for suspending and resuming monadic computations
A monad transformer for weighted graph searches
Exstensible monadic exceptions
Extra utility functions for working with monads
Guard monadic computations with cleanup actions
Type class for monads which support a fork operation
A simple monad for generating fresh integers
Monad transformer for incremental hashing
A class of monads which can do http requests
Ideal Monads and coproduct of them
Monads with an unsaveInterleaveIO-like operation
A reader monad that gives the environment access to the entire transformer stack
Adapters between MonadIO and MonadBase IO
Pure logger typeclass and monad transformer
Specific levels of monad transformers
Monad transformers for combining local and global state
A simple and fast logging monad
A class of monads which can log messages
JSON logging using monad-logger interface
Utilities for composing loggers, coloring output, plus a few orphan instances
JSON-friendly Logging APIs
Logstash backend for monad-logger
Add prefixes to your monad-logger output
Syslog output for monad-logger
Monadic loops
Monadic loops for STM
A monad to calculate linear recursive sequence
Markov process monad
Memoization monad transformer
An efficient random generator monad, based on the Mersenne Twister
A convenient wrapper around EKG metrics
An extensible and type-safe wrapper around EKG metrics
A monad transformer for mocking mtl-style typeclasses
Open recursion for when you need it
Monad for observation extraction
A library for parallel programming based on a monad
Combinators and extra features for Par monads
Parallel execution of monadic computations
Parallel execution of monadic computations with a progress bar
Parameterized monads
Lift control operations like exception catching through monad transformers
An mtl-style typeclass and transformer for persistent
Type class for monad transformers stack with pirimitive base monad
Monad products
Fast monads and monad transformers
Record and replay the results of monadic actions
Resumption and reactive resumption monads for Haskell
monad-schedulemonad-scheduleNix package
A new, simple, composable concurrency abstraction
monad-schedulemonad-schedule_0_2_0_1Nix package
A new, simple, composable concurrency abstraction
Monads of program skeleta
Provides a MonadST class
Utility library for monads, particularly those involving state
Concise, overloaded accessors for IORef, STRef, TVar
ST monad with efficient explicit errors
ST-like monad capturing variables to regions and supporting IO
ST-like monad capturing variables to regions and supporting STM
MonadSTM class analogous to MonadIO
Stateful supply monad
A monad transformer that turns event processing into co-routine programming
Functions to exit the program anywhere in MonadThrow monads
Type class for monads which carry the notion of the current time
Adaptation of the monad-time library for the effectful ecosystem
Monad transformer for recording timing events
Tree data structure for nondeterministic computations
A transactional state monad
Generic first-order unification
Typeclasses for representing monad transformer unlifting