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Showing entries 14101-14200 out of 52586.
Cabal support for codegen with proto-lens
A higher-level API to the proto3-wire library
A low-level implementation of the Protocol Buffers (version 3) wire format
Google Protocol Buffers via GHC.Generics
Slow protobuf implementation
Protocol Buffers via C++
Simple Protocol Buffers library (proto2)
Model distributed system as type-level multi-party protocol
Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications
Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications
Parser and printer for radius protocol packet
Testsuit of protocol-radius haskell package
A small prelude
Protolude with lifted-base and lifted-async
Please see the README on GitHub at
Simple XML templating library
Prototype-based programming on Haskell
The server for ProveEverywhere
Computations that automatically track data dependencies
Make functions consume Proxy instead of undefined
Proximity sets in N dimensions
Proxy helpers
A library for kind-polymorphic manipulation and inspection of Proxy values
Mapping of Proxy Types
Prune unused Haskell dependencies
Language support for the PureScript programming language
pscidnodePackagesNix package
A lightweight editor experience for PureScript development
pscidnodePackages_latestNix package
A lightweight editor experience for PureScript development
Reading/Writing OPB/WBO files used in pseudo boolean competition
A tagged rose-tree with short circuited unique leaves
Cpp-style built-in macros using Template Haskell
Yet another custom Prelude
PostgreSQL client
A small collection of helper functions to generate postgresql queries
PostgreSQL Simple util tools
Priority Search Queue
Pure priority search queues
A Haskell Implementation of the Porter Stemmer
Integrate libpsx with the GHC RTS
A parser generator
A parser generator
A parser generator
Bindings for the pthread library
An implementation of Montague's PTQ
Experimental abstractions for operations on pointers
Pointer poking action construction and composition toolkit
Type-checked pointer diffs
Pipe stdin to a redis pub/sub channel
The publicsuffix list exposed as proper Haskell types
Is a given string a domain suffix?
Create the publicsuffixlist package
Publishing tools for papers, books, and presentations
PubNub Haskell SDK
A library for Google/SixApart pubsub hub interaction
A CLI assistant
Pugixml binding
A Perl 6 Implementation
Portable Haskell/POSIX layer for Pugs
DrIFT with pugs-specific rules
Haskell PCRE binding
Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
This is a package which includes Assignments, Email, User and Reviews modules for Programming in H…
pulpnodePackagesNix package
A build system for PureScript projects
pulpnodePackages_latestNix package
A build system for PureScript projects
Synchronize actions to a time pulse
Binding to Simple API of pulseaudio
A low-level (incomplete) wrapper around the pulseaudio client asynchronous api
Multilingual unsupervised sentence tokenization with Punkt
Encode unicode strings to ascii forms according to RFC 3492
A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs
A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs
A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs
A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs
A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs
A program that displays the puppet resources associated to a node given .pp files
Another pure-haskell CDB (Constant Database) implementation
Fast Fourier Transform
Pure IO monad
A pure priority queue
Tests for the pure-priority-queue package
Please see the README on GitLab at
Derive fromString/toString-like for pure sum types
Derive fromString/toString-like for pure sum types (aeson instances)
A Haskell-only implementation of zlib / DEFLATE
Types and parser for email messages (including MIME)
A Haskell-only implementation of the MD5 digest (hash) algorithm
purenixhaskellPackages.purenixNix package
Nix backend for PureScript
purenixpurenixNix package
Nix backend for PureScript
Pure Haskell SAT-solver
Simple Routing functions for Wai Applications
PureScript Programming Language Compiler
PureScript Programming Language Abstract Syntax Tree
Generate PureScript data types from Haskell data types
A fast alternative to Purescript's psc-bundle to be used during development
PureScript Programming Language Concrete Syntax Tree
Isomorphic trivial data type definitions over JSON
Language Server Protocol server for PureScript wrapping purs ide server functionality
purescript-language-servernodePackages_latestNix package
Language Server Protocol server for PureScript wrapping purs ide server functionality